
Boo-fuckity-hoo. They made shit decisions consistently over the last 15 years in terms of engines (BMW, Toyota, Cosworth, Renault), drivers (fucking MALDONADO), and engineers (notably corrupt Paddy Lowe), and SURPRISE PIKACHU FACE, that leads to a shit team result just as consistently.

I think one could argue 91.13 wasn’t violated since there was nothing inherently reckless about flying under the bridge in controlled and coordinated straight and level flight.

The Space Force was officially founded on December 20th of last year, and only employs 88 active duty members, and has not carried out any space defense missions.

As a motorcycle rider myself, I just don’t see the appeal of large gatherings like this where the bikes are the sideshow. You get there, you park your bike in a sea of other bikes where you can’t use your bike, and you have to leave at least some of your shit with your bike since I sure as hell am not carrying my PPE

Don’t be afraid to dust off that Cosworth partnership. Or maybe fuck around and homologate some muh fuggin AWD hot hatches again. You know, for the children.

LOL shitty quality? The tires last longer for which the manufacturer designed them. They were told to design tires that last for X, Y, and Z laps, and they did that. Notice how all the front lefts started to delam at the same time? That speaks to the consistency of the tires since we all know the drivers are very

I’ve yearned for an EV motorcycle for quite some time as it would make my [paused] commute a breeze. With the proliferation of bike lanes, trails, and general availability of sidewalks, however, an e-bike makes for an interesting proposition since I think I could technically get to work (or wherever in my area)

Well he already sold his dignity so that’s off the table.

Incoming new Gymkhana vehicle.


But nobody asked me, they just called the city. That’s not cool.

Nobody knocked on my door to ask me to fix my cars. So, why would I assume that I was upsetting anyone? I can’t read minds. As far as I was concerned, there wasn’t an issue.

I would never get a Supra with BMW power (or BMW anything for that matter). Until the Supra is 100% Toyota, it will never be a real Supra.

Any F1 > No F1.

EJ25 (all variants, but 257 being the most applicable to legendary status).

I bought a 6MT Tacoma last year!

I’m not too worried about the weight. The motor is already about 100lbs lighter than some of the more common experimental and light-sport engines and accessories out there (like Continental/Lycoming, not Rotax though). You can swap that extra weight with battery weight as long as the weight and balance envelopes aren’t

Kitfox S7 (or pretty much any experimental high-wing single engine airplane used for bush flying)

+1 for the GAP insurance. I bought a 2017 STi and 6 months later someone t-boned me on an icy highway and totaled it. GAP insurance saved me like $4000 in the difference from my auto insurance coverage. Paid for itself!