Baba Yaga

Absolutely. Those world tours sound absolutely exhausting, so I can’t even imagine how much worse it must be for someone suffering from chronic pain.

The worst is when they label you as “med-seeking”. Of course I’m med-seeking, I’m in fucking pain! Good luck getting any decent meds at all once you’ve earned that label, though.

Aaaand Torrei Hart has the last goddamn laugh.

The Kevin Hart scandal probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he and his annoying new wife didn’t spend like 99% of their time trying to convince us that they are soulmates and they are truly happy. Like if you were that happy and in love you wouldn’t need to go that extra to convince us. Also, they have taken

It’s rough, because there’s a lingering sentiment (even among medical “professionals”) that fibromyalgia pain “isn’t real”. I’ve encountered that attitude repeatedly over the past 15 years, and while it’s gotten better, it’s still there in some form or another. It’s even codified into the treatment options that you

I hear you. My wife has fibromyalgia and it took the doctors forever to diagnose it. When we were first dating, she would periodically tell me not to walk fast as she was in too much pain to keep up a moderate pace.

I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about her live shows, and to think she performs at that level while dealing with a really debilitating condition/constant pain is beyond comprehension. It also sucks that there are only palliative treatments for fibromyalgia and that there’s not better understanding of what really

I feel so bad for her and anyone who is literally suffering from pain.

kevin hart’s wife should put all his favorite stuff on the top shelf

I hate that she has to go through what I deal with every fucking day, but at the same time I’m glad that there’s at least one high-profile person who can speak directly about what it’s like. Maybe now we can make some progress on fibromyalgia treatment, instead of being told by doctors “Sorry, but there’s nothing more

“Do you understand how hard that is? To get a woman that can think on a logistic, like, term?” Fuck off, Kevin Hart. This does not surprise me at all.

It’s clear he doesn’t measure up to the demands of a marriage. Fidelity, for instance, is in short supply.

It seems Kevin Hart comes up short in the fidelity game.

Bitch, go kick rocks with your racist ass.

LOL the clapbacksand memes are pure comedy. But if Eureka-Eniko and Kevin’s gruff charcoal briquette-looking ass didn’t gloat about their love so much— in public, this wouldn’t be such a juicy story. A few weeks ago, when Eureka-Eniko and his ex Torrei were beefing lil bits Kev said ‘All I do is laugh’: when he SHOULD

Kevin Hart: “There are some women who have given other women a bad name.”

All Women: “FUCK YOU!”

His whole statement is narcissistic, making it about him even in the one line where he acknowledges his wife and kids.

everyone after the first only needed to find him rich to find him fuckable. His current wife would have looked straight over his head if the money aura weren’t there.

I loved the episode, but got stuck on one thing: Lobotomies aren’t performed by cutting into the scalp - a fact that made them extremely popular: The technique was so simple and almost non-invasive that it was done as an outpatient procedure. There’s an episode of “The American Experience” that provides a great

I thought the Dragonfly guy was just an exceptionally blue fly for the longest time. The insect people are easily one of Bojack’s strangest aspects. Are there no actual bugs in this world?