Fuck Oprah for all that shit. And for Tyler Perry too. We can blame her for that can’t we?
Fuck Oprah for all that shit. And for Tyler Perry too. We can blame her for that can’t we?
Man, remember when all it took to set a temple right was one guy with a whip?
Since no one else has said it, can I send a big fuck you to Tyler Perry as well? So you’re going to take money that you promised to people in need and put it directly into the pocket of an already-rich person because you think they’re great? Come on.
He also preached to survivors not to give in to a “victimhood mentality” then passed around the collection plate. I’m not kidding. He passed around the collection plate asking people who have probably lost everything to give him money. This guy has no shame and doesn’t even pretend to be anything other than a money…
Donnie is gonna be pissed when he finds out that he is not allowed to keep the gifts:
Unpopular opinion: George Clooney is not all that handsome and seems like a complete dick with his love of practical jokes. And now this pear-shaped, potato-faced wang—who everyone inexplicably insists is the ultimate catch—is calling his son a “thug” and his daughter “elegant”? George Clooney sucks, people.
This actually doesn’t bother me one bit. It keeps items out of landfills or being marked way up at a thrift store conglomerate (like Goodwill/SA) and allows many parents to stay within a decent budget for items. There are FB groups for selling (which is the preferred way to do it) that keep it out of the normal…
Jaxton. JAXTON?! No to that.
Same- I have two olders and one 11 year old and am now weepy when I watch toddlers play. It reminds me of when one of my kids (at 3) was so blissed out that I let him have a churro that he hugged the stranger lady next to him. I was apologising to the woman, who was wearing a suit etc, as my kid dug his little sugary…
They’re everywhere. Those companies prey on their desire to stay home with their kids. I don’t know how they think they can make money when they’re all selling to each other. There’s a skin care one now called Rodan and Fields that is just fucking everywhere, like multiple people on my FB feed. I’m sure one of their…
What a sweet boy!
I never liked kids. I had my own kids and I liked them and some, but not all, of their friends. I’d be in their elementary school and other moms would be ooooing and awwwing over other kids and I was always like, eh, they’re mostly fine and some are wee assholes. Never thought they were cute, never wanted to be around…
Considering he thinks everyone, from hurricane survivors to boy scouts, is coming out to rally for him, I think we can safely assume he thinks he is the sun around which Obama orbits. There are no traditions, only things he just thought up.
Quick, let’s have a guess what Trump’s letter is going to say to his successor (assuming he has one and doesn’t crown himself overlord).
Does Trump think Obama did this specially for him or does he know it’s a tradition that every president does?
Congratulations Peggy- probably the only person in the world right now to be happy to return home to America
SPACE Y’ALL! SPAAAAACE! I recently watched this documentary about the Voyager spacecrafts (that have been out there for 40 years now and became the first manmade objects to leave our solar system a few years ago) and it was one of the best things I have ever seen. So incredibly moving, and so informative too.
The current minimum wage is about $8 an hour. If the minimum wage had grown at the same rate as inflation, it would be over $20 an hour. But the same people who complain about taxes and paying for the poors, refuse to pay people for the work they do. Whenever I hear these types claiming to be Christians, I really get…
On the flip side - you can afford hundreds a night but balk at $5? *side eye*