Fuuuuuuck that, give me a classic cotton dress any day of the week. Those dumbass shirts are hard to launder, and jeans prohibit the amount of food I can comfortably eat.
Fuuuuuuck that, give me a classic cotton dress any day of the week. Those dumbass shirts are hard to launder, and jeans prohibit the amount of food I can comfortably eat.
Lol “jeans and a nice top” has been my going-out go-to for decades now and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!
She grew up in foster care, was homeless for a while, I chalk it up to her having seen worse things that I could never understand. I definitely cringed when I heard her say it, it just doesn’t ruin her for me. Takes her down a peg in my heart maybe.
There’s a crossover where nice and comfortable meet, I aim for that. Then again, I’d rather be naked than seen in public wearing sweatpants.
Counterpoint: Dressing nicely might score you a free upgrade (but very likely won’t), while dressing comfortably is a sure bet.
Nothing more irritating than an old person taking pride in not knowing things.
Small correction, easy mistake to make, tiny thing, completely understandable:
Or is he so deep that he believes he can’t get hurt? They actually believe they can develop super powers.
Bravo? I don’t think so. They voice their “outrage” because it’s safe and trendy. They were all OK working with rapist directors and photographers and celebs and being silent about the abuse against women, but now they’re all speaking about “empowerment” and “solidarity.” Don’t trust that these celebrities give a fuck…
He is the epitome of Scientology and what they achieve to be, I can’t think he sees it any other way either since he is next to David Miscavige in status within that cult and he knows it. He actively strives to be the best at everything he does which would be admirable if not that he were a raving nutcase lol
Fuck Hulk Hogan. He killed gawker and I still miss it to this day.
The “I’m a victim!” statement really blew the top off the whole thing... and it didn’t help with perception of her, especially since initial reports had her as the “instigator” of the sexual encounter.
And she seems to be ignoring the fact that the pro-life movement “reaching out to single mothers” tends to be reaching out to take their babies. The traditional pro-life model is that unwed mothers go to a special “home” and come back sans a baby that they will never see again and may never admit to having had.…
And pro-life men will want the woman they’re screwing to get an abortion if that baby would be inconvenient for them, especially if they’re married pro-life men cheating on their wives.
The pro-life community doesn’t care about a woman or her baby once the baby has been born? I’m shocked, I tell you.
For a brief moment, I had a soft spot in my cold, jaded heart; I even thought (naively) “Maybe she has gained some personal insight, has remorse, and is willing to function as an example of exactly how this administration really views women (looking at you, the 53% of white women who voted for Orange Smarmalade); she…
“There were some...very high-profile people who are supposedly pro-life, who knew me and heard about what happened, and who didn’t reach out,” she said. “I thought it was very telling … You see these people saying, ‘Oh, we should reach out to women with unexpected pregnancies and let them know they’re not alone’—and…
I like to imagine what she’d say if it was a Democrat WOC in an identical scandal. I’m SURE she’d be totally fair and not at all gross about it.
I feel she’s a traitorous twat and she can die in a fire. I don’t really care how anyone else feels about her. The word “should” never enters into it.
Fuck this woman. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.