Visually it looks almost identical to the physical boardgame ‘Hive’, but it sounds like the gameplay itself is completely different.
Visually it looks almost identical to the physical boardgame ‘Hive’, but it sounds like the gameplay itself is completely different.
Nkechi doesn’t mean Gift of God.
I’ve made my feelings on Pewd’s earlier jokes (the bits that got him into hot water, anyhow) abundantly clear, so I’ll leave that alone for now.
What I will say about this current kerfuffle is this: If you truly believe that your friends have to back you, 100% of the time, irrespective of whether you happen to be right…
Also you should fix it to say it’s Dragon Quest Heroes I·II which makes the 32GB size more understandable.
Some, but this really isn’t one of them. This whole “storage-gate” has been a tempest in a teapot.
Display space and psychology. First, it is better viewable from afar, and it creates more display space, as in, free advertising.
Standing out on shelf is still super important.
I, too, am invested in the honour of gigantic consumer electronics corporations
I mean, I wish more people would pose these questions (why didn’t you cast a person of the race the original character is) to the producers/directors. Of course it’s good to have the conversation and get the point out there, but it’s not really up to the actors. Obviously, SJ could have turned down the project, and…
Damn, I was hoping she dropped through the Earth and into some kind of celestial orbit where she docks with Prince’s guitar from the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction, thus setting into motion the final sequence that ultimately results in the universal cosmic tranquility birthed by Wyld Stallyns.
There is more furniture in these apartments than I’ve seen in every Millennial owned apartment I’ve been in combined.
I currently work for GameStop. Yes, COL is a huge part of our business. However, if someone wants a new game, I’m gonna give it to then. Some customers prefer to purchase preowned so they can utilize the 7 day “Like it” guarantee. Why not have the extra security, if the game sucks, return it for full money back? I…
The one upside of a conservative agenda is, if they make English the national language we instantly gain a few months because the entire White House senior staff, president included, will have to take Remedial English Grammar. Hoisted by their own petard indeed.
Verb tenses bitches, learn them.
Hey don’t knock it till you try it Fahey. That gentleman could be onto something. Maybe this is the avenue you need to expand Snacktaku’s budget. Maybe you could then turn your experiences into a lighthearted comedy movie called “Switched!” about a rowdy man who goes to kidnap a rich child to hold for ransom to save…
Please remember that the employees are just trying to put food in their mouths, they’re not the bad guys. I worked at Gamestop for a long time and got out right before this nonsense started. The pressure can be intense.
As one of the unfortunate Gamestop employess, my first reaction is ‘love my job, hate the company. Been working for the company since 2005 and the circle of life is the biggest crock of shit ive ever dealt with. My district Manager, sorry Leader (were not supposed to use the words Manager or customer any more) has…
I was immediately inclined to say Panne but I realized there was no fucking chance in hell the instant I thought of it.
Actually it has been ruled many times that advocating violence such as ethnic cleansing is not protected speech.