Maya the Vampire Bat Returns

One thing I don’t get is gamers complaining that WWII “has been done already” and therefore this game couldn’t possibly be exciting.

I had no idea Bernard Cornwell wrote an Arthur series. Thank you, to Amazon we go!

.... aaaaand I’m done with the Alien franchise. So long, it was fun for the first couple of decades.

I really wish I could find some special sunglasses that would let me know when ordinary-looking people are going to be hate-spewing bigoted assholes. It would make my life so much easier.

Yeah, I think a lot of people are overlooking or unaware of the fact that Okoye is NOT Ayo’s love in the comic. This doesn’t sound like Ayo is being changed, yet. If anything, it sounds like her relationship with Aneka will be done in the next movie.

You know Aladdin isn’t historically a Middle Eastern anything, right? The story of Aladdin was added to the 1001 Nights by a very white French man, it has never been found in any Arabic text prior to the French “translation”, and it’s now considered very likely that he made it up himself.

Not even a mention of Vogon poetry? Everyone knows that stuff is worse than any of your anal probing and alien dentistry.

You don’t have PS4s in Europe?

I love how Real Gamer Dudez keep moving the goalposts for Switch. First it was “ho ho, poor Nintendo keeps coming up with wacky concepts that no one cares about, lol the Switch is gonna bomb”. Then the Switch came out and literally hasn’t stopped being sold out for the last six weeks, so the song became “ha ha,

Beyond the lifetime of training and the suit, BP is the vessel of the Panther God and does have powers - super strength, speed and senses, maybe others that I’ve missed over the years. I think they’ve retconned it a few times, but the version I’m most familiar with is definitely more than human. There is a ceremony

I’m ready for this. The original Thrawn books were the best Star Wars books I’ve read, and although I haven’t read any Star Wars in decades, I will take the chance on this.

I find it especially interesting that the only person here who has played the game is Heather, but a bunch of dudebros who are going by screenshots and marketing blurbs are 100% convinced their opinions are more valid than hers.

Call me crazy, but personally I blame all the people who voted for Trump.

It happens. I’m in my late forties. In video game years this makes me roughly as old as the Roman Empire. When I was waiting in line to buy a Switch on launch day, most of the people in line with me hadn’t even been born when my first Zelda game came out (Link’s Awakening).

Not coast to coast, but I took the Greyhound from NYC to Austin a few decades ago. I only recommend this to aspiring young novelists in search of horrible real-life experiences to write about. I have been riding public transportation all my life, in several different countries, and nothing is as bad as the cross

Yes, isn’t it great?!?

I have faith that with good writers you could subvert Mudd’s story and bring the character into the 21st century, a la BSG and Westworld.

I totally want new characters, buy it’s okay to bring back a few fan favorites here and there. That has usually worked out well for Star Trek shows, and even in New Trek, Old Spock was a nice bridge to the last generation’s shows.

I have the same qualms about all this, starting with the suit itself. Dude is Peter Parker. He’s supposed to be a genius in his own right, and he’s handy with Spider-tech AND he’s superpowered. I don’t know why they are acting like he’s an average teen that needs an Iron-Daddy to equip him.

Maybe I’m aging out of the target audience, or maybe there are just too many superhero movies. Or maybe this trailer is just a bit too bland. But I feel pretty “meh” about it. And I’m going to be honest, I don’t think it’s me, because I’m hyped as hell for Wonder Woman and Guardians 2. Those trailers made me excited.