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I can appreciate any video game with a functioning toilet system.

Its weird thinking about in those terms. To put into my context, I was born in 1992, yet the majority of games I played before I was around 13 were an amalgam of NES, Genesis, and SNES games. We didn't even have an N64 in my household until the year the Gamecube came out.

Metroid Prime came out when I was 10 years old. I didn't get it until two years later in early 2004. It was the one other game I bought with my GameCube. I had bought the special edition GameCube that they released when they dropped the price down to somewhere in the area of $150; it was the one that came with the

You shut your whore mouth!

Never heard of it, but googling. Care to elaborate in your own words?

Male or female, my point is that he should have done something about it via whatever ingame character customization GGO had instead of just letting everyone think he was a girl

HAven't watched .hack in probably almost a decade, or at least what feels like one.. IIRC, it really started to get bad after a certain point. Anyway, if you like the idea, I've heard Log Horizon operates on a similar concept of getting stuck in a game

But still, you'd figure the name of the guy who ended the deathgame would have at least been mentioned by somebody overwatching the whole thing..

I think that bit was kinda necessary for the story though. I mean, imagine being stuck in some other (not your real) body would really screw with your sense of self after a while. Putting them in their own skin was just to help them feel sane in the long run.

Or just being that kid who was hitting on the girl who turned into the fat guy when the char models became how the users actually looked

Assuming you weren't one of the idiots who died on the first floor... Before the first boss was even beat..

Anyone else notice they used the same styled font used in the SimCity 2013 promos?

Massachusetts here, they're fucking everywhere and are only annoying with people from out of town who have no idea what the fuck is going on

Okay, so I'm one of the few people who never had any problems with SimCity and actually loved the game, so take this with a grain of salt. SimCity's aesthetics were fucking amazing. Between the awesome variety of graphics options (which included completely changing the look of the game to fit your style) and the

What about the car seats in the back?

That's because its at the beginning. The gif is reversed

Oh god I had completely forgotten about that game. That screenshot hit me like a pile of bricks

I just remember all the speculation when they showed a preview image of the first Pokemon short movie that had a Marrill in it before they released the Pokemon's name and everyone was calling it "Pikablu"

DC weighing in on Marvel's Civil War here? Supes gets called "Iron Man" while being shown an image of a Captain America type?

Yeah, seriously on the Titanfall bit. I bought the game for 60$ from GOG (I think) because they were having a promotion that gave me 10$ store credit with them, which I promptly used to buy Tomb Raider (which was also on sale). Guess which game wasn't 60GB and was actually fun/ worth keeping on my hard drive...