Chet, I miss Chet.
Chet, I miss Chet.
I used to like the Diesel, until I realized that none of his films have any realationship to the real world. “Impossible” sums up his movie catalog.
One of the best sail panel looks around, in that little car.
While I’ve known what these are used for, I think something equally interesting is of the many thousands of cars that I’ve worked on over the last thirty something years, how many of these eyelets have been nicked by someone who knew what they were for! Nice work, David.
When you guys get off your knees, why not look the Musk in the eye and ask him what it’s like to be trolled?
Finally, someone with a brain. Thank you.
Are you kids revolting against one of your own? Talking shit about this piss ant and his brown ale?
Awful, just awful.
Receive more government subsidy money than any other human being in American history. How’s that?
Nice work. Seriously. Fuck tailgaters. Downthread are all the victims that can’t take responsibiltiy for their actions. If people aren’t up your ass, then there is no problem. Done.
I might start liking those Porch things after all. This thing is sick.
Dream on; never gonna happen.
Yes, definitely.
Kelly Ann Crapsammich would be crying right now...if she were a Jalop.
2013 GT500 = 662hp
I will say that my ‘02 XC70 seat quality and confort over 180,000 miles have held up better than anything I’ve owned, and I’m 967 years old, and had a few cars. Love those seats.
I hope Trump and Putin blow the planet to hell, on general principles of course.
NIce try, but above all, it’s still fucking illegal. Period.
Hmmm. No wonder Muskboy is on the “open border” train. Cheap labor is always in demand, along with his many subsidies.
“At face value, illegal immigration is wrong.” It’s illegal. Period. Trying entering the Isle of Man or New Zealand illegally, and see what you get.