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    Allen Iverson is the best NBA rapper who tried his hand at rapping, listen to 40 bars.

    Welcome to Drumpf’s America.

    Good for them, at first I read it as $429,000 and thought, “I hope they don’t donate too much” then I looked again and realized it’s $429,000,000 and thought “damn, that’s a lot of money to work with after taxes.”

    Would you have read the memo if you received it?

    Isn’t it amazing whenever there is a “glitch” or “accounting error” it seems to always be to the benefit of the company.

    1.5 margin of error.

    Where is the “where’s black lives matter?” crowd at?

    All of these alleged rapes could have been prevented if Coz just pulled his pants up.

    This is no surprise to me, usually the poorly trained, poor performing cops are the ones who are at your local schools. If you were the head of a local police department, where would you want your best cops? Patrolling the streets or patrolling the school halls looking for students with no hall passes?

    That’s why California is no longer an open carry state. The Black Panthers exercised their rights by open carrying at the state capital building scared people and then governor Ronald Reagan, the GOP god signed legislation to get rid of open carry.

    Ed should get a gig as a blues singer.

    If he could scrub off the black he would have done that years ago.

    Cue the white male victims who feel this guy is being unfairly persecuted because blacks can use the N word but this guy can’t without getting heat for it.

    Delete please

    Bigot Barbie needs to stop playing the victim, pull herself up by her bootstraps, create a new facebook page and create her own media outlet to compete with the blaze so they can feed her bigoted, nonsensical talking points to all the idiot conservatives who vote against their best interest election after election.

    I find it funny whenever whites feign concern about the plight of the black man/woman/child it’s only so they can use it as a tool to bash blacks.

    Can you post some articles of cops turning in their own in order to expose corruption?

    Yeah she’s mad that she looks black rather than someone who is a mulatta which is why she has to keep mentioning being biracial.

    The only silver lining with the Patriots winning the Superbowl.

    If Blago is blacker than Obama by the way he grew up then Blago can be cool with what comes with being black as an adult like serving a lengthy prison sentence with no one coming to your aid.