
Kim is from Kansas/Nebraska?
Initially I wanted BCS to end with Jimmy turning on the tv to see Walter has been found dead. But now I want Jimmy look up from the counter at the Cinnabon to see Kim making an order. C'mon Giligan just give one character's ending a glimmer of hope!

Her smile has always been so fake to me and that "Thanks Pop" comment couldn't be anymore forced and disingenuous. There is a reason why Mike left all his money in his granddaughter's name.

Also the fact that Daryl saves Dwight for him only to later kills Denise, debunks Moragan's theory too.

Rick: "Where is she?"
Kills guy almost immediately before he even has a chance to catch his breath.

This episode wasn't as good as the rest. but it was still sort of a nice break from all the tension with some tongue-in-cheek humor (bonus points for doing humor that didn't involve kardashian kids.) Also, Dancing Ito's!

But Foggy has an attractive and successful blonde who is really into him and always willing to help him yet he chooses to hit it and quit it with her. It's something I noticed about less attractive people in shows, they're either completely single or screw over girls that are out of their league and make themselves

Is it the show's lighting or does the costume look more red? Because that was my complaint last season of the costume looking maroon.

It now makes sense for Mike to go work with Gus since they have a common enemy.
Also Mike has the satisfaction of killing one of Tuco's Cousins in the hospital in Breaking Bad.

Instead he only takes it with him just to look badass as he walks away from his burning house .

Standout moment: Dramatic shot of Nobu coming back to life only to have his head cut off by Stick.

Going by what I watched in this episode, OJ would have been put behind bars if Darden would have just banged Clarke.

You mean you don't like Sava's analysis of how everything is grounded in race and homo-erotic sexual tension?

Cochran's monlogue on how Darden's statements were offensive to the
black community only to end it with "n- please" could not have been
more perfect.

Cochran's monlogue on how Darden's statements were offensive to the black community only to end it with "ni*** please" could not have been more perfect.

So no comment about how Alejandro G. Iñárritu was the third director in history to win best directing twice in a row in over 50 years?

I give this episode an A for keeping a 1 Kardashian occupancy limit.

And the fight scene is still probably going to be 5 minutes long (including banter).

Nacho may be a criminal with resting crazy face, but he's still willing to work for his father, unlike Krazy 8 and his father's mattress store.

Expecting someone to make a benny hill edit of daryl chasing jesus on youtube soon.

So whenever a black man raises his hands, it's suppose to reminisce "hands up, don't shoot"?