
The more I watch Saul and Mike's back story unfold, the more I hate Walt for fucking up everyone's lives.

Sigh……. we're never going to A.V. club give a Hip Hop Album an A. Well at least this is the first album to score higher than B+ these past couple months.

What about the Taylor Swift co-sign?

I know people are going to disagree with me with what I'm going to say, but these episodes felt like Season 4 episodes. Stuff like the blatant montages and the fake tv sequence with jeff and elroy make it seem like someone was trying to mimick what Community is known for. I like the conceptual episodes of community,

I have never thought of that, but I have to say that description is on the spot.

What about the 17 seasons of Snail Down?

You know, I don't think Abbi was in the right to try to blackmail Trey, sure he treats Abbi unfairly at work, but it's more because he's just an oblivious person and he does consider Abbi as a friend.

I was expecting the buzzard noises to make Dennis angry and scream. It would have been a funnier way to end the episode with one of Dennis' infamous rants.


I thought it was ridiculous that the police would would show up about someone leaving behind $5 and running off with a newspaper.

Lincoln, have you not seen 500 days of summer?!

But NBC has the biggest penis I have ever seen.

[Disclaimer: wasn't a serious question]

If the Oscars are racist, then how did 3 6 Mafia win the oscar for best song with It's Hard Out Here for A Pimp?

It is when discussing police brutality.

I like that Frank finding a new gang after the gang breaks up was like the character finding a new show to join. The replacement gang were like happy sitcom characters and frank was the dark mature character who shows and ruins everything, leaving behind real life consequences. Only to go back and be happy to be in

Judge Judy's net worth is $200 million.

This episode gets an A for Danny Devito Cheetah-Man alone.

What I didn't like about this episode is that they basically went with the parody movie formula, which is, "hey it's so and so celebrity doing their famous bit for a few seconds"

And people thought this show was going to be more light hearted than Breaking Bad.