
because he is criticizing capitalism, doesnt mean that he needs to live outside the system that puts food on his table. Thats like Hasan being cancelled for buying a house even though he is a proponent of more left wing socio-economic reform..  People still have to work and live, but it doesnt mean they cant point out

what the hell is a NFT? a garbage pail kid or something for millenials 

or maybe we are just in an alternative timeline, and we happen to be the unlucky ones, and our exact copies are living the dream where Hillary was president and MAGA never got started.... I hate other parallel universe us. 

Its only going to get worse. We will never have another free and fair election thanks to Trump and his cult. Do you think they will not freak out if they actually lose again next time? They are already passing laws that will allow them to remove the election officials if they dont like the results of the election, and

I would say for a game that literally has the exact things that Trump did when he was in office, i would say, yea maybe we dont want to real live that right away, it was pretty traumatic for most of us normal americans, who arent bioterrorists or insurrectionists, and like participating in democracy, vs. a King. I get

yea, thats already happened. The right already considers us evil because of the abortion thing, and being godless heathens and all.. So what, they are just gonna do things to us the way people treat people they think are evil, and we just go , hey ya know, they just need a hug.

wait whaddya mean republicans have immigrants and democrats have progressives? that doesnt really make any sense.. You mean as scapegoats or something? because then you would say Republicans have “insert anyone that isnt a white evangelical racist” here. Instead of immigrants. And democrats have “Republicans” . My

thats actually a pretty good example and i would stick Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan in that category. 

its not “extrme” democrat, its “radical” democrat.. “extreme” is for fascists, and “radical” is for communists.. thats how it works lol.. And yes an american radical leftie is your average run of the mill canadian or australian, britain, etc.. 

I disagree. 71 million of us deserve it. And i dont even consider them “us” anymore. But you are right. American democracy is dead, the nation has fallen, we witnessed the last presidential election in 2020. The crazy cult will never “allow” losing another election, based on their last reaction, and our lack of

To be fair, Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Tim Poole, Tulsi Gabbard, all who voted for Trump, are not progressives. They are grifters, liars, and some, traitors to american democracy. Im not sure who you are “throwing shade at” although I remember when i stopped watching Jimmy Dore in 2016 when he was broadcasting to everyone

Its amazing how republicans like Caitlin Jenner are so disgusted by our homeless problem, when the reality is 33% of the homeless in California are military vets who have been forsaken by us after making the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Republicans are the most anti-patriotic and awful people, america has

is that how you are “supposed” to play, huh? 

the combat is “fantastic” ??? its basically Gears of War, its meh. 

is this a Freddy Krueger origin story? im down!

im not sure that was the actual message the author was trying to convey. If that was the case, why put that video comment from that doctor dude re: the covid vigilantes? because the message i got, was the dood doin the raw dog Rona sur del Cali, were accountable and at fault, and that it was further immature, reckless

well what about if its a straight person pointing out that they are acting with the same mentality as straight trump supporting domestic terrorists, in the republican party?  because aint no difference except whos doin the accusin

well i reckon the reason why “covid vigilantes” are doing the shamin specifically for one reason and it aint about trying to change the selfish people’s behavior(to get them to stop selfishly prolonging this pandemic, by partying in mexico) but to rather make us covid vigilantes feel better, to express how we would

why are all my comments pending approval?? im being profiled for some reason lol.. lame

i dont remember that.. i remember the code wheel for the copy protect, and the manuals, but how did they double as weapons??