
nah you’re lying nazi troll, Dave was joking when he said that, and he only said it in the first place cause he knew fools like you would get all butthurt over it.

LOL punching down my ass, Dave just does not play favorites.

It is fucking WILD how quickly people turned on Chappelle, who is by any account, an objective legend in comedy. Because he told a handful of controversial jokes that were far less incendiary than the backlash would have you believe.

As someone who snagged one of the last just before the pandemic, I’m very surprised not to see the Honda Fit on that list.

The absolute numbers don’t matter. If you get a raise of X% and your rent/utilities/groceries all go up X+3%, and this happens every year, pretty quick you’re going to be hurting. Especially in the years that X= zero. And this is exactly what’s been happening to a lot of people for the last 40 years.

The US has 300% more vehicle deaths per capita than Germany. How does Germany do that? Not with any of that BS you wrote about. They have strict licensing requirements and good transit infrastructure.

Pretty sure Looney Tunes did

and scott pilgrim. 

The world of social media is so insulated that creative people think that these big studios are just constantly trolling through random Twitters and TikToks to try and find stuff to rip off. Maybe — hear me out on this one — not everyone’s as obsessed with Twitter as people on Twitter seem to think?

There is an old episode of “Bullshit!” with Penn and Teller about gun control. It ends with a young boy, who was a big fan of CoD, being taken to a range with his mother and being allowed to fire an AR.

There is nothing, NOTHING in a videogame that can prepare you for that level of force and power.

Probably a telesto-related glitch. 

This. Exactly this.

Comedians make jokes about Male Pattern Baldness, and will do so until the end of time. CR makes a relatively tame joke about GI Jane and Will wants to throw hands? We know full well that had Bill Burr made that joke, he wouldn’t have done a damn thing. Will loves to act a fool in regards to Black people, because he

Will has been repeatedly emasculated by his wife on her show over the past year and he takes it out on Chris Rock over a very tame, some might even say a very lame joke. Will Smith is a COWARD. He would NOT have slapped a white comedian making that joke.

As usual The Root has gone the way of Fox News for clicks and likes. Here is the actual story: The press trying to frame this is David Chapelle killing affordable housing for poor people. It’s not that simple. They offered a plan to get his $65 million investment, then switched up the project presumably to get tax

Obviously a Decepticon...

Happen to me today though the person was obvious in their reporting and I laughed at her ignorant ass and ignored it. I’m a realtor and often take pictures of homes for inspections. First when we made eye contact I smiled at the nosey neighbor she frowned pulled her dog two houses away. Whipped out her phone and

How did The Daily Mail get a 31-year-old police report from the LAPD? I feel bad for the woman because she had no choice in this coming out.

If Democrats are getting the same rules as Republicans, wouldn’t he be elected President? Or is there a minimum number of woman and minors that need to be assaulted first? Is Trump’s 16 the minimum? Does admitting on video to sexual assault act as a “get out of jail free and into the Oval Office” card?

And yes, he