Isn't the whole point of an infinity pool that it's set beside or near enough to water that when you look out the boundary of the pool and the ocean is lost? This is just an overflowing bath tub.
Isn't the whole point of an infinity pool that it's set beside or near enough to water that when you look out the boundary of the pool and the ocean is lost? This is just an overflowing bath tub.
I had a lot of things I wanted to say but you have really captured it all. Very well said.
that's kind of my point. Jezebel and its readers tend to react wholly on the basis of the naturalistic fallacy because it's a fancy sounding way to dismiss any "bad" news about sex/gender coming out of the world of both Evolutionary Psych and the harder human sciences. It's pretty easy. Too easy.
i think i do.
At least she's not a hypocrite
Whenever I hear "programming is for guys" I get really annoyed, because historically, programming was a woman's job - it was only in the 1970's that men started to be employed as programmers more and more.
I'm surprised no one remembers the first time he did this bit on Conan almost a year ago to the day.
I love playing sidewalk chicken with these fuckers a little too much. A confident stride straight into the middle of the pack- BAM! Extra points if I get the indignant "how RUDE" look as I breeze on through. Ta tah, bitches.
Really? A personal choice about what or what not to purchase is a better question than racism??
I do this now, too. I refuse to get off the sidewalk. And I've also been known to say, "Can we SHARE?" when people won't get the fuck over and let me by.
This is also my pet peeve. It is seriously not fatal to walk in single file for a minute.
Fuck those people. I hate that so goddamn much. Stagger yourselves, motherfuckers! It's not that hard. You can still talk. Fuck's sake.
or buddies in the hallways at work. gtfo. one of my high school teachers called it "social cholesterol." i now realize even more how right he was.
I get more annoyed when groups of 3+ friends/colleagues/hoodlums walk abreast and force everyone else off any sidewalk, regardless of how ridiculously wide it may be. I've shoulder checked more than one person under these circumstances. Seriously, you and your five BFFs do not need to walk like you're on a movie set!…
I don't care how fast or slow you're going, romantic couples, just STOP pretending you're the only ones on the damned sidewalk! If it's a narrow space, don't just stroll along like it's everyone else's responsibility to get out of your way—accommodate to other travelers, you sappy jackasses.
*shrug* Neither of us drink soda.
No. The answer is, you never poop, fart, or burp in front of people because it is rude and why would you not extend the same level of courtesy to your partner you would to a stranger?
I've always thought they wanted skinny white people because they want walking hangers for their clothing. If you've got diverse, interesting looking models when everybody else has pasty thin models, no one is going to be looking at your clothes, they're going to be looking at your models.
I know that declining birth rates is bad for the economy, but like, it's kind of good for the earth. We need less people. The world is at capacity. We simply cannot support the growth rate the world has been experiencing for the past 150 years. Less people being born kind of solves this problem without having to kill…
Case in point - my husband and I recently visited my parents in the small college town I grew up in. While walking to the grocery store, I mentioned I'd avoided this main drag as a teen because college students and local adult men would often catcall or "jokingly" threaten me, sometimes following in their cars until I…