
Move to Park Slope with the rest of the wretched and just tell everyone that you're a writer.

Answer: no.

My god. Thank you so much for this comment. If I have to hear one more person call her policies 'progressive' or 'radical', I'm simply going to lose it. What the hell happened?

Came here just to say this. Although she's a bit centrist for most progressives and leftists, here educated, evidence-based and common-sensical policy recommendations are a good starting point for reform.

It's called Swiss Air, First and Business Class.

What do you do with your hands when your presumably male partner is using his genitals and hands? Does this go both ways, or do you just expect men to constantly be pushing buttons and pulling levers while you lay there prostrate and in judgement?

Glad that wife-batterer is getting his money!

Are you arguing that same-race relationships are preferable?

This is entirely true and if you've spent a decent amount of time in Japan, you know how totally fucking racist many Japanese people - particularly women - are. The hierarchy of eligible men goes like this: Big tall white men > Japanese men > ew, gross.

Drake looks like David Schwimmer in this shot.

No, she's the bland and confusing one.

When she does her bit, I just stare at her and wonder who greenlit that shit. It's absolutely vapid and I can't for the life of me figure out how in any way it would be funny.

True story. The [insert whatever]-ism is pure parody, and it makes Jezzies uncomfortable because deep down, we all succumb to reductive stereotypes at times.

No, he just did it better and sooner than the Daily Show.

I don't fart. I'm a gentleman (and vegetarian).

I believe that inequality shouldn't be divided by gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.

If you thought about it clearly, you'd recognize that each of our assertions are happening simultaneously.

Seriously though, why can't people grasp the difference between the institutionalized and systemic function of patriarchy versus the subjugation of both men and women (to a greater extent) within this structural process?

There's no such thing as 'full stop' when it comes to preferences. In fact, it's a huge red flag when people can't examine why they have certain preferences, given the dominant influence of psychology and socialization on the creation of often irrational and counterintuitive preferences.

I've read some studies that show identical neurological response zones in women when presented with father figures and taller men.