Great, more people staring blankly at screens, refusing to engage in real life because corporate television networks have found a way to manipulate sitcoms for ad revenue.
Great, more people staring blankly at screens, refusing to engage in real life because corporate television networks have found a way to manipulate sitcoms for ad revenue.
I don't think that you're in any position to be so rude or dismissive, but thanks anyway!
I'd ask that you avoid taking a contextually specific comment personally. I've spent a lot of time in Latin America, and being loud and public is a socially and culturally acceptable way of being. It really doesn't matter if you don't personally like it in this context. You're not latin american, and you're not this…
This was clearly mutual, but thanks for projecting your personal bullshit on something precious.
You clearly haven't spent enough time in Latin America, where passion is best expressed publicly and loudly.
Last time I was in Barcelona, we were having lunch outside and a couple a few tables over were engaged in a serious shout-fest, just yelling at each other.
But it's botox or letting your forehead look like some old dude's scrotum, so...
Some of us want our pop stars to look exactly like what they are: fake and fictional.