
I tried Onlive on Linux with wine on a netbook. Installed and got the login screen, never was successful at logging in however. Too bad.

Exactly like Ashilyn said, the Java/JVM blows. The overhead of a Java and a browser vs. a native, small executable is worse.

Yup, Flash was always considered a superior technology. Long live all of the ten web sites still using Java applets!

Petty much.

Yup, pretty much the case. Death to Flash, Java and other browser plug-ins!

I understand what you meant, but that wasn't what you wrote.

By that logic the XBOX Loop + 1 will use Windows 10. They aren't going to stop making either project and there is shared code to some extent.

By that logic the XBOX Loop + 1 will use Windows 10. They aren't going to stop making either project and there is shared code to some extent.

Missing: The Older Gamer

Actually, you likely have the very official public alpha.

So much wrong about this rumor, it was hardly worth mentioning the post on this site.

They have every right to deliver how they want. However, their excuse for paying for an unlock code for something you bought on your disk is:

Apple being gaming's biggest influence right now, is like saying Sara Palin is US politic's biggest influence.

I hears ya. I have a slim 360 and 2 older, cheap arcades. I use them mostly as a DVR with Xvid and Media Center. They have paid for themselves by dropping cable

Sony should have done what Microsoft and Steam does with DRM. The account that bought it can play it anywhere and anytime.


Your 2nd paragraph = tl;dr (horrible, run on grammar)

"if you think a major Sony game studio is working on HOME you should rethink that"

Those are all the same basic story, mentioned over a year ago (sans one). Also, they don't give $ numbers. I'm sure most of the download numbers are for free items. Most people have all but forgotten about Home since that post.

Please define "serious money" with cited expenses for Home, in a link.