
Toys R us begs to differ

Well, like you said, look on the internet. Anonymous has done plenty. What, are you some more qualified hacker?

"Our First Blurry Look At Phantasy Star Online 2 In Action"

I'd say they are fairly capable, even if they did a DDOS attack. Like ConfederateRokr said, read the internet.

I know! You are a real idiot for using the most common, convenient and otherwise secure form of payment we have.

I hear yes, as well as the Mac. Would be nice to try that...

True, but steam achievements don't sync to trophies, and it had been suggested I play the Steam version first.

I was too busy with my digital toys to notice my freedom (of my digital toys) was being taken away.

And, I'd only get steam achievements (not trophies) if I went Steam first.

True dat. Though I was thinking of giving it away, I loves me some steam but still.

Great, as a 360/PS3/PC owner the one time I choose the Sony platform (for Portal 2) it might not be up to online play tonight.

The lesson is to buy games with a good coupon/discount, beat them, then sell them.

The Sony ISP PR sounds like BS to me.

I can tell you first hand from multiple experiences that when ANY huge company buys a small/independent/private company it completely kills the smaller company's culture and creativity.

Nintendo, of course, is working on the successor in some form or another but three things:

Yes, they give the name as I established.

Your right: the small guy is always correct. The big guy is always the a-hole. Everything in the world is black and white. Thanks for correcting the greatest injustice in the world.

That is besides the point, they entire story is still copied word for word.

Unless you are a heavy gamer on the go, a phone or tablet with quick and cheap games is enough for most.

Wow, I just have no sympathy at all for these guys. The software/games industry is brutal all over. To put all the blame on MSFT is BS. Remember when Microsoft lost billions over 5 years with the original XBOX? I didn't hear them crying.