
AKA "Hollywood Hand Job"

At least Max Mad 3's group made more sense in that world.

Z Nation is full of strange survival communities.

Definitely felt a lack of gore in that scene. We should have seen the effects of Rick's attacks, blood spraying, and then Rick holding the creature's head aloft. Weak.

Well they clearly didn't spend much time on that CGI, why would they remember to erase a plane?

At least that would be more interesting.

Next they'll be after the rum.

Was it him screeching all the way through Horrible Bosses?

If only Paul Verhoeven was directing these things, we might have something.

Real stage blood squibs instead of CGI cartoon blood?

The Ghost and the Darkness.

Like many, first time I remember seeing him was in 1987's RoboCop. "Bob Morton" is such a great, memorable character in that fantastic movie..RIP

"Well, maybe in philosophy. But even nothing is something."

Rosie O’Donnell auditioned.

Yep, that was the quote and dialogue from this great episode.

I had also put this show on the shelf so to speak since the mid-season break. But I binged the last five episodes and was completely engrossed.

Prisoner of Azkaban's score is up there with his best.

My expectations are considerably lower for this after the trailer. Hated Prometheus.

They've aged so badly, there's a whole billion-dollar business built around them, 40 years later…

She justs wants to play herself again in another movie and get paid. I'm surprised Mystique's "real" name isn't Jennifer.