
Damn region-locked YT video strikes again. The Internet isn't just the US of A, ya know.

This show is crazy and unfocused, but I still enjoy watching it.

You keep reviewing this junk and drop Dracula?

A day may come when Hollywood has some original ideas again. But it is not this day.

Fuck this franchise. The original movie is the only worthy Terminator.

AV Club, you suck for not reviewing any episodes of this show. What the fuck?

Unsettling and visually outstanding television. Season two cannot come soon enough.

1988 Die Hard is pure movie magic.

"Like Charles Bronson in The Great Escape."

As nasty as Herschel's death was (is TWD going for bestgore status?) the crappy CG blood and muzzle flash effects were even worse.

After wishing the Gov would never reappear, following the two good episodes he did return in I wished the show had spent the majority with him instead of that stupid Prison Flu filler.


I didn't like all the cartoon gunfire flashes. It gave the action scenes the look of a backyard YouTube video. And those scenes glossed over that the rest of the episode was a bit of a mess.

Aw, lame. Dropping the reviews for this show is almost as bad as your redesign. Yeah. I'll be disappointed if this decent show is canceled while something as shitty as that Shield Agents or Whatever still gets seasons.

Except I think his mind is too broken to be redeemed.

After the last two episodes, I've already forgotten the prison bunch and just want to follow the Governor/Brian around the rest of the season.

The beard he borrowed from Dexter the woodsman?

So good, then?

It's also a relief to be away from all the other boring/annoying characters at the prison.

That's consumerism for you.