
Yep, instead of making bored "I Wuv U" faces at Hannah McKay. God, is that what this show's come to?

If the killer was "Oliver Saxon", they could have at least introduced his sorry ass a season or two ago so his reveal actually mattered.

And he probably waited until morning to move the body, because why not? No one ever sees Dexter doing anything anyway.

Dexter is just some pussy-whipped blood splatter guy now. His entire reason for being (and the show) is gone.

Agreed, JC is the only interesting character. But one day Elway is going to make good on his promise to make her get the fuck outta his office space.

Which dress? The hot pink fugitive camouflage special?

Dexter wants to get caught. He can't be so stupid for nothing, making so many obvious mistakes the earlier Dexter would never do.

I would have taken that scene instead of what we got.

Dexter and Hannah are almost neck and neck with that awful Anakin and Padme "romance" of the prequels.

Except for that "holding in a fart look" on Dexter's face while we waited for Harrison's answer.

I also liked Dexter's serial killer hiding spot… Standing right outside, staring straight in the window at his target.

That was probably the low point of this episode for me. Deb looks like she just doesn't give a shit anymore (rightly so).

I'd even settle for a Ghost Harvey's Dad.

Yeah, that didn't really work for me either.

Close. But it sounds like "motherFLucker".

I quite enjoyed this episode, despite the kinda boring Mike flashbacks. Gary Cole is just awesome and needs to stay on this show permanently. Less of Rachel schmooping with Mike is much appreciated. I wish they'd wrap up the whole Ava Hessington case. I can only take so much of Michelle Fairley's jaw-gritting

If they did go that way, I wish to hell the show had spent more time and scenes with Quinn developing his motives, etc. than all the crap filler with Masuka's daughter (why is she there again?) or that red shirt neighbor Cassie.

Let's save the 'F' ratings for one or all of the next four episodes. I can't wait to see what new superfluous characters we'll be introduced to.

BB was OK. But I was more entertained watching Dexter implode.

That show OW! MY BALLS! featured in the movie Idiocracy doesn't seem so far off now.