
But she loses points for covering her boobs.

So that's how he lost all that weight — hitting Dexter's keyboard several thousand times a day.

I guess 'cause Masuka has had nothing to do for a long time except stand around crime scenes. Like most of the current Metro characters.

How in the hell was Dexter going to get AJ Yates' body out of the nursing home after using the M99 on him?

I thought AJ Yates's van was going to come up behind their fake car effect and ram them off the road.

He was a Dexter viewer. He jumped in to try and save the show from sinking to the bottom. Realized it was pointless.

It's Miller Time!

I did prefer the lighter tone of the first season to all this Game of Suits scheming.

Deb's breakdown might be more believable if we ever actually gave a shit about LaGuerta's character.


Sapo took her gun. What did she she supposedly shoot him with?

I feel like the only one who likes the Ghost Harry scenes. Maybe it's because he was once a Warrior.

Ray Stevenson was this show's chance to grow and redeem itself. Then they wrote his great character off like he was some kind of Colin Hanks. WTF

Sounds like this show should go the way of LUCK.

Those fucking DVD videos are such convenient exposition. So lazy. I mean, just hit an Apple play button and the plot unfolds automatically. Why am I watching Dexter again?

Breaking Bad isn't all that.

I love the falling jumbo jet sequence in this movie. The only thing I don't like about it is none of the passengers on board appear bloodied or even breaking a sweat considering their ordeal, spoiling an otherwise great and heroic Superman cinema moment.

I think 'The Work Outing' is good but overrated. Episodes like 'The Dinner Party' are far better IMO.

Brilliant moment.

Dr. Nick: The coroner. I'm so sick of that guy!