
Great episode. I don't buy or need the romantic subplot, although I do like the Dr. Alana Bloom character (and the actress herself is lovely). The rest of the show is pretty golden. Mads is doing a superb job.

Maybe the Brosnan 007 vs 006 fight from Goldeneye.

To be honest, I feel the opposite. I'm more interested and entertained by the peripheral characters than the histrionics-on-crack of Farmiga's Norma Bates. Watching Freddie Highmore getting angry is hilarious though.

I like how she went from really wanting to be in her dad's office to: I don't even want to be in here! Bullets be damned, those letters!

Bradley and Dylan actually make a good looking couple on the show.

I was really hoping we weren't going to have to see Highmore fish-kissing his teacher in this episode. Thankfully it didn't happen.

I think it was just painted Yunkai newspaper clippings in the box.

I can hear the laugh track now whenever Yunkai guy says anything to her.

* Must be able to hodor.

I somewhat agree. Although the actor playing Torture Boy is doing a great job, those scenes are not giving us much information beyond Theon getting more and more fucked up each time. It does weary the viewer too. I hope there's a payoff for all the pain and suffering before the end of this season.

Are they going to hang Theon's manhood around his neck like Jaime's hand?

Thank you. I was wondering where they were eventually heading. Either the character dialogue has been a bit vague about that, or I wasn't listening closely enough. I was expecting to see them hop down the other side of The Wall this week and stealth attack Castle Black. Even so, with the loss of perhaps dozens on the

It was weird that by the end of this episode I felt I'd enjoy watching a cooking show presented by Hannibal Lecter.

DP on the episode was Karim Hussain.

The diverse range of accents doesn't bother me as long as the writing and acting is good. But imagine if they threw in an American accent. How weird would that be?

I weep for the future.

Farmiga is neither "camp" or has "teeth". She's just 12 shades of awful in this show. Terrible acting. She can't even walk away without looking amateurish.

I really can't stand the term "Big Bad" in reference to TV bad guys. Sorry!

You are not alone, Bob. I loved and still love the early seasons of The Simpsons. But I haven't enjoyed the show since around 1996.

"Damn you, Walker!"