Thank goodness you found time to give us your deeply critical appraisal of his talents. Wouldn’t want anyone to think otherwise when you said you’d miss him. It’s a qualified kind of missing and we can all respect that.
Thank goodness you found time to give us your deeply critical appraisal of his talents. Wouldn’t want anyone to think otherwise when you said you’d miss him. It’s a qualified kind of missing and we can all respect that.
Puberty blockers aren’t permanent, going through the wrong puberty is.
If you need to beat a child to get them to listen to you you are objectively a bad parent. That’s it, nothing else.
Funny as in weird, not funny haha. As for areas, anything not related to tech. Speaking of which:
There’s 8 BILLION people on this rock. 6 Billion of that happened just this century. People having trouble reproducing is NOT a problem. What he’s afraid of is WHITE PEOPLE not reproducing enough.
where’s the crazy smart in this interview, exactly? It all came off incredibly insipid.
No. He isn’t. Because it’s the most cynical thing he can do is ride on her death to elevate his own bullshit grievances about “cancel culture.”
I await, with rapt anticipation, for the 2024 Congressional hearings on the potential world-wide security threat of the subterranean, Silurian lizard people. I saw a 2010 multi-part documentary done by the BBC about the threat that featured an expert named Doctor...something. They never mentioned his actual last name…
Also “the government has killed to keep this secret and personally harassed me.”
I was just reading a great quote from her where she said that she didn’t kill her career - she killed the career that the studios wanted for her, and it’s the most rock and roll thing I’ve ever heard.
I’m seeing a lot of reactions to her death from an American perspective, where ripping up the Pope’s photo destroyed her career. But over here in the UK we didn’t get SNL, neither did Ireland, so the response was pretty minimal. We just carried on seeing her as the same talented artist she always was, and she carried…
I’m not defending asshole fans
I’m less interested in the boomer/millenial trigger of whether taking a selfie is a god given right than in whether a performer has the right to call out behavior she finds distracting (answer: yes). And whether a self-admitted group of women in their 30s to 60s can handle someone criticizing them (answer: apparently…
As soon as I saw that the person taking the photo during the performance was an “influencer,” I didn’t need to see anything more - although the excuse that there “wasn’t good lighting” before the show would be frickin’ hilarious if it wasn’t delivered with such blithe sincerity.
They weren’t just taking a quick picture of the stage. They staged and posed for a group shot during a song. That’s distracting and shitty. Paying for a ticket gives you the right to attend, watch, and listen.
1. That’s not a selfie. I know English is an evolving language but that’s not a fucking selfie, otherwise any goddamn photo with a face on it is a selfie.
Maybe stop making performing artists the backdrop for some dogshit picture. It’s wildly disrespectful.