Max Tsukino

Alright, the tankies have weighed in.

we conservatives do not label ALL trans people crazy”

Competition is heating up for the coveted role of Jet Jaguar.

Not all conservatives are anti-trans in their day to day actions, but all conservatives vote for politicians that are anti-LGBTQ in their legislation. You can argue all you want about how you’re not personally discriminating against people, but you are actively supporting politicians that literally create

This really hit home for me how of a good job they did with the New Jersey cast as they really manage to ground the show effectively and make it breathe.

Nobody but Boomers, early Gen Xers, and history nerds *really* cares about the assassination of JFK any more. The waters on “who” and “why” have been so thoroughly muddied by ops like this.

Flush multiple times and then rinse your hand off in the flushing water. Gross, but less gross than leaving things as they are. Why are we talking about this, again? :p

I don’t know how to break this to you, but literally all words are made up. The entire conceit of language with the generally-accepted spelling rules and grammar/usage rules are made up. People began using words, and we as collective communities began ironing things out from there, but G-d did not descend from the

I would lose a lot of respect for an escort who changed careers to become a Republican congressperson 

i know your mom does about not having one.

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

If he’s seriously reformed, I think he owes it to the country to be much more public about it. Explain his reasons and show that he understands why his previous positions were so awful. He wasn’t just some random conservative who saw the error of his ways, he was a white nationalist leader.

Upper Class Twit of the Year for one.

Hey everyone, this guy has an anecdote. No need to worry about Covid anymore!

You have no idea how bad I want to recase my PC in a Silicon Graphics Indigo 2 case...

I do as well, he was great in the mouth of madness and Event Horizon. 

Anybody worth having in the office wouldn’t win the election.

This is a really boring headline when inside there’s the more exciting revelation that Brian Cox is perhaps not really acting when he’s portraying an old cunt.

I really had no interest or expectations, but it was pretty goddam charming.