Max Tsukino

“Victims of Communism” is a terrible idea... just teach history.

it could be said that’s by design...

check the words used on the joke... it wasn’t a comparison Jada/Demi (after she cuts the hair), but more of a “you’re bald, therefore I expect you to see in that sequel lololol

just finally?

that’s because we as a collective are shitty... if it wasn’t this, be certain the collective would have selected, for example, the spiderman suit...

easy to explain: Jonny Ive is no longer there...

Who gives up on a show after 5 minutes?”

pedantic people...

we are dozens, I’ve heard...

the best Pearl Yawn albums: After the Gold Rush, Harvest Moon and Rust Never Sleep...

perhaps it’s something like “impersonations made every now and then for comedic effect” vs “one’s entire persona”...

next John Fogerty hit: Vanth Kan’t Danth...

kinda reinforce the idea that the Jedi think sucks beyond belief... and perhaps it also sucks that it took Luke many, many years (until the last 3 movies) to realize that...

Americans are so used to freedom”

<grinding teeth in exasperation starts>

“Freelance is currently shooting in Columbia.”

Kiss meets the Phantom of the part 2.0...

curious Ted Cruz tribute from Stewart...

Atheists are openly hostile towards religion”

no, we are not...

But I find(...)“

ah, that’s the thing...

because it’s a geologically active body in space,as the article mentions... for the definition, it doesn’t matter if it orbits the sun or a planet...

Eric idle should have been in this one, in my (not so) humble opinion...

you are not synergizing enough... =P