
Stadium security worked, plain and simple. And also a prime example of the worst idea in dynamic situations being sticking to the plan. But if the first had gotten in, holly hell the damage the second would have done.

Nah, I’d shot for a more WW1 Situation. This is a convoluted mess of alliances of major powers sitting on top of a tinder box of locals trying to settle scores or bring about the end of days. With a bit of Cold War Proxy war thrown in because why the hell not.

Was driving home from work today and spotted a KC-10 on the tarmac at Ft. Lauderdale International Airport, first thought I had was they were around to support these guys.

Aren’t all modern SUV’s and Crossovers just, “HEY! I need a minivan but I don’t want a minivan.” things anyway?

FIFA brought to you by Gazprom

Let him run out all his old shit, waist rounds and equipment that is falling from the skys. For Putins narrative to wrk we need to fire first. We aren’t giving him the war he wants, we aren’t playing his game, so he gets fucking pissy pants cause he can’t play the grown up games. Now to sell the Great Russia narrative

From what I can gather that’s exactly what they did. Made it so the car could pass the test and then Bam right back to normal.

Why even try to have an Air war with them, just wait them out till they crash them all.


We are just more blatant about it I think. There is a certain celebration of it in our lovely little corner of FIFA, gamesmanship; from flopping, stadiums in stupid places, conditions, hotel shanagans, even the corruption is top notch. Remember that the TV rights for this event have already been admitted in plea deals

This has all the hallmarks of a hastily put together fix. Had to get one of the teams into the finals for the TV, and Now you fix the final to get a US v MEX for a spot in the confederations cup. MORE TV MONEY!!!!!

Hopefully they don’t kill them at the rate me and my roommate do. RIP Jeb.

One hell of a Shass.

I always through a hard hat is a type of helmet. All hard hats are helmets, but all helmets are not hard hats, am I wrong?

Yes it does show the numbers. As a teacher on break let’s set some times and work it out, I got a Xbone, you got a ps4?

Did they follow concussion protocol before they let him back in?

Forget the Rays Pitchers, imagine all the fun data they could get about opposing teams!!!

XBOX ONE BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s not the tech, Secretariat was a genetic freak and was put on Earth for one reason, to go fast. Secretariat is the outlier not the norm. He had a enlarged heart ,norm 8 lbs his 22 lbs.

Bob Ley for FIFA President!!!!