
Beginning of last month I still had 21000 due on my 2019 Subaru Legacy and figured I was stuck with it seeing as last time I checked, trade in value was quite a bit short of 20 grand. The wife knew I didn't love my car and suggested we go check out a couple dealers and thanks to this lack of inventory, they offered me

I loved the 2016 Ghostbusters movie. Chris Hemsworth was having a blast and Kate McKinnon stole every scene she was in. I’m apparently in the minority but I thought it was funnier than the original, though I never really found the original to be that funny. 

I guess I’m weird. I’m sweating just reading all these high temps. Ours is set to 69F and once it hits 73-74 I’m uncomfortable. I can’t imagine 75 and the above guy at 81 would be torture to me.

I’ve only got 400 miles on my Big Bend edition but I love mine. So much more fun than my Subaru Legacy I had. It’s mostly an Escape so at least there’s not a lot getting tested and I got it from a dealer that gives you a lifetime powertrain warranty on any car bought from them so I’m not too worried.

Yep. This is one of the PS5 games I’ve been waiting for BECAUSE I just want more, prettier R&C. I’m okay that the gameplay isn’t that different, I just want some new weapons, some comedy, and most importantly, FUN.

I kinda figured at this point everyone knew Qanon started as 4channers trolling each other with increasingly ridiculous conspiracy theories for the “lols”. Then Paul Furber took control on his board to spread his bull. Jim Watkins wanted his own built in audience after his conspiracy theory show crapped out so he and

Didn’t use that because it said they were sold out but I did just buy a PS Plus key from them and it’s already been used of course. Submitted a ticket but I know to never use them again. Not sure why you guys would advertise a site that sells stolen/used keys. Very sketchy and I only tried them due to your constant

Didn’t use that because it said they were sold out but I did just buy a PS Plus key from them and it’s already been

Yeah I was actually surprised. I figured we were getting one of his usual films but it was actually a lot better than I expected. Color was still mostly missing but it wasn’t as distracting as the aspect ratio. I’m actually a little disappointed at movie being good as I was hoping his army of fans would just go away

Wife and I get our second jabs April 5th and I was kinda hoping we’d get to see this on release day as our first venture back out into the public. Figured a month after the second shot should be long enough for it to work its magic. It’s okay if they have to delay it again, I just want them to get back to theater

I think a big part of the problem was the cancelation of the film. I remember people thinking he had gone nuts because they had no idea it was supposed to be a tie-in. I actually liked most of the songs on the album and even remember using “Lost in You” for falsetto practice back in men’s choir. Of course, I've been a

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Hadn’t heard of her before this. I am aware of AI Angelica doing the same kind of thing. I think her graphics are better than Miko’s but I also think it’s a guy doing that character.

Pluto has a free Star Trek channel that’s all Star Trek all the time.

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They HATED DS9 when it came out. The documentary goes over it.

I don’t do digital unless I have to so from what I gather, I’d get the PS5 version for free and would just need to have the PS4 disc in at the time, which is fine.

So it’ll go from one of the best games I’ve played in a while to “tolerable?” Guess I should stay away from them then.

Since they beamed in right after they announced “Black Alert,” I assumed dropping shields was a part of that and they were waiting for that moment to attack. 

I don’t think it was meant to test the limits of the PS5, though it does look really good playing it. The whole point is to show off the controller’s functions and celebrate the history of Playstation. The controller in this game is insane. You can feel when you’re on sand or ice or a hard surface. There’s a level

While some people would be unhappy about this, remember you have to have an HDMI 2.1 compliant TV to even be able to do 4k 120Hz. I know I’m not getting one for a few years at least. Since it’s just Sony allowing them to do it on PS4 games and not just PS5 games, it’s possible they allow it by then.

They’re mostly using the same hardware. It’s because Sony limits 120Hz 4K to PS5 specific games.

Avery Brooks was so nice meeting in person at one of the Cons too. When I got my pic with Shatner we were told not to look him directly in the eye, talk to him, etc. With Brooks, I got his autograph the day before and when he saw me when I went in to get my pic with him, he remembered my name and put his arm around my