
This is why I hate playing competitive. They take it too damn seriously. It’s a game people. The VAST majority of them are not making money off of this and they definitely wouldn’t be doing it while I’m playing. I don’t get how anyone has fun with the attitude I saw a bunch of people there have. Comp just pissed me

Oh no, not again...

Mini Kiss? I used to have a coworker in a Cheap Trick cover band called El Cheapo Tricko. Uh... that’s about it.

Yep. UC2 used to be my all-time favorite game, until UC4 came out. Loved the story, the scenery, and the gameplay. Thought it was a great send-off.

Um...where’s Uncharted 4?

Nintendo sells refurbished ones directly. Bought a refurbished 2DS for the nephew since those are sold out everywhere too. 

I too care more about single player games (despite loving Overwatch) and that’s why I wanted UC4 to win. THAT was a masterpiece. (Note: I have not played DOOM as I’m not a fan of the whole dark, scary genre. I stay away from horror movies as well. I’m sure it’s a great game, just not for me.)

Awesome. I’m hopefully getting a PSVR for Christmas and I’m really looking forward to Star Trek. This will hopefully make it easier to find crewmates to play with. Now the wife just needs to find one. She won’t let me order it because she wants to at least make it seem like a surprise but all the Gamestops (already

It was a fun game but I got a bit bored with it and traded it in while it still had value. However, with the update I just ordered from Best Buy. $19.99 with Gamer’s Club Pro or whatever it’s called. Definitely looking forward to creative mode. I just want them to change the FOV a bit. Zoom out a little.

It was a fun game but I got a bit bored with it and traded it in while it still had value. However, with the update

The PS4 one is up to 51 now. Best Buy matched the price for the Xbox One version since it’s sold and shipped by Walmart.

The PS4 one is up to 51 now. Best Buy matched the price for the Xbox One version since it’s sold and shipped by

Pretty sure that’s Jessica Nigri. She even made t-shirts.

There appears to be a sibling for Pharah. I wonder if we’ll see them pop up at some point.

I deleted it from mine but it didn’t fix the sounds so now I have regular dragons that yell at me about coming down from the mountain.

Fellow Cards fan living in Chicago. I’m sorry old man/woman, I don’t care. I would love to see the Dodgers win the next two games. These people are insufferable about their f-ing hockey team, I can only imagine how horrible they would be if the Cubs won. 

Shoutcasting? Never heard of that. Well, other than this of course.

The image they shared had seven people in it and the movie recently came out so the title is still fresh in our collective minds.