
I've gone to quite a few games up there since I live in Chicago now and it's a hell of a lot cheaper to see the Cards play there than here. Never had an issue showing up in my Cards jersey. Everyone was really nice. I do tend to buy tickets in the family sections to make sure I'm not near any unruly drunk people, but

Thanks. I made sure to put all 35 of my votes in for Yadi.

Naughty Dog's cutscenes are all rendered using the in-game engine. So it's a cutscene, but it's still rendered on the PS4.

The sign on the cage says "for we receive the due reward of our deeds."

I love my "Gotta Have it Green" Mustang.

It looks better dimmed (thanks to the recent update) but I don't see a real problem with the light. I'm looking forward to Project Morpheus too, I'm just worried about the price.

Only a PS2, PS3 and PS4 here (when comparing those two companies, since I also had a Dreamcast.) Bought a Wii on sale and use it for the emulators. The only exclusives I'm interested are on PS systems so why would I even buy another? This looks like it could be interesting but I'm still waiting for the zombie (zombie

"It's not that she didn't want to, she didn't want to do it next to her sons dead body, notice she is kissing him back."

"You're a seaman Harry!"

I agree, if only because seeing a date where the first number is so much larger than the second makes me shudder. Smallest number (not date type, only twelve months but up to 31 days) to largest works, but I actually like the 20140429 format. It automatically organizes by year, then month, then day, without slashes

Lego Marvel for PS4 is sold out. :(

Since 2K Australia is working on this, I'm hoping that means that Gearbox is working on a proper Borderlands 3 for PS4 and XBone.

"The trend of Android is that within a year or two there will no longer be microsd slots on any phones"

Any chance I could just get the removal tool? I wear these breathable lenses that are better for my eyes but are a bitch to take out. It's like they stick to my eye. The price we pay to be able to see and still wear sunglasses.

I still want EA to take Medal of Honor back to WW2 and keep BF for modern combat. Maybe try to get Spielberg involved again. I'd love to see Normandy or Stalingrad with current hardware.

Did Conner in Assassin's Creed 3 not count?

I actually had no idea this was multiplayer only. I was thinking about picking it up and trying to get my PC to run it but I'll pass now. Thanks for the save.

I know. I went back and forth about 10 times before giving up and looking it up. Then I saw that you can't get it after the second time you're in the school. Bastards.

I played it on PS3 and only had a couple of stutters. I'm just pissed I missed Pteradaken and can't go back now without starting over.