
Don't you mean Mt. Dew?

I've got $307 in credit on my Game Stop card, and I'm tempted to get the Zelda 3DS XL with this, but then I think that I should just save it for Infamous/Destiny/etc. Decisions, decisions...

I can do that too!

Like this?

It's probably the exclusive MGS5 Playstation Content.

Yeah, it's not even wobble. There look to be rubber feet on the bottom in that channel that on top has the blue light. The right side has one so there isn't one all the way on the left. As long as you don't go and push it, it will never "wobble". It's just a design decision to, I suppose, keep the back panel as clean

Yeah the first review I read was IGN's where they said "There’s never been a better time for everyone to be paying attention to the Killzone franchise, because Shadow Fall is a step in an all-new, very welcome direction." and they gave it an 8/10. Gametrailers an 8.8/10. Gamespot gave it a 7/10, which still isn't too

I've got a 1.5TB hard drive I'm putting in before I even turn it on, so I would need it for that. Downloading right now, in fact.

Now playing

Anyone else remember Smash my Xbox and Smash my PS3? Ah, memories of the launch of our outgoing console generation.

I ordered one of these. Now I just need to find out if it needs a flash drive to install the OS to it of if it has something onboard. If I do, will they release the firmware early so I can download it and have it ready Thursday night at midnight? Maybe I'll tweet Shu and see.

You'd hope, but Shu made it pretty clear that it's an install.

My 500GB on my PS3 is about full and I've already deleted games from it quite a few times. PS+ does that to you. I can only imagine how fast the PS4 drive is going to fill up with each game needing 40-50GB of space. I'm just future-proofing.

I'm not an expert by any means, but I do know the 5400s run cooler/use less power and are what the PS4 comes with. I doubt the difference between the 7200 and 5400 would be very noticeable in the PS4. I'm not even sure SSD would give it a big enough boost to justify it. I'll defer to the experts though.

I ordered one of these a few days ago. I figure an extra TB was worth it.

I do. Especially for first person shooters. I look around just as much as I move so yes, I use both equally and can't, for the life of me, get comfortable using lopsided analog sticks. Them offsetting the sticks was a concern of mine when the system was first being talked about because of there being a vocal group

Well my PS4 is going to be picked up Thursday night at midnight from a local Best Buy but AC4 will come from Amazon and it still shows November 12th so I'll be able to stare at the box for a few days more but that's about it. They probably said the 15th for you so that it comes with your PS4. Since mine is being

According to my order, it should be here on the 12th, so I'm guessing yours is the same. It's a Tuesday, which is normal release day so that makes sense. I'm sure it'll be ready for you. I've got that, BF4, and Killzone coming. Gonna be a busy weekend.

I'm wondering if they're doing this has something to do with it being a new property. No matter how cool it could be, existing IPs usually sell more. They will put out the first one exclusively on XBone (and 360 and PC), see how it does, then put out sequels on all systems if it becomes popular or just kill it if it