Mauricio Plaza

Yeah, it’ll probably be shitty generic single player garbage. Who knows though.

Really? I always imagined it was these guys:

I only bought Persona 4 because of a full, recorded let’s play of the game and I know a lot of people who did the same. I’ve gone out and bought probably 400 bucks worth of Persona stuff since, including Persona 5.

Really hope that the backlash gets even bigger until they remove this restriction for streaming. I love this game but knowing this in my head makes the game less enjoyable to be honest.

Emulation isn’t piracy. If you obtain the game illegaly thats on you no different then if you stole a disk and put it in a playstation. But there are legal ways to obtain roms.

Well, for starters, the game has been out in Japan for months. If people want to be spoiled, they’ll be spoiled. (From what I hear, Twitter users and YouTube commenters are doing their best to spoil everyone regardless.)

The scenery looks pretty, but the animations and character models are bad, and the voice acting and writing is inconsistent at best, and really awful at times. It makes the whole experience come across like you’re watching a CW drama acted out entirely by creepy sex dolls.

No one is complaining about the development process. They’re complaining about the end result, because it’s not up to the standards of consumer expectations, it’s not up to the standards of AAA video games, and it’s not even up to the standards set by previous games in the series. The only reason the development

I mean, I get the complaints about the five year window, but more from the mindset of “I’ve waited so long for a new Mass Effect game and I’m disappointed with what I received”, but not to the extent that people are taking it.

As someone who doesn’t read up on that type of shit, my impressions were this: Wow, it’s a Mass Effect game. Too many sidequests that are fetch quests, but otherwise it’s a Mass Effect game and I don’t see what the problem with that is.

Probably not a popular opinion, but this show is comedic gold for me. I’ll only watch it when I’m sad or in a shit mood. I find the designs of the Titans incredibly silly, they make me laugh. Their designs juxtaposed with the more serious designs of the humans just cracks me up. This show, to me, is about super

On one hand... I hate what Maradona has become since he stopped playing and I want him to lose...

On the other hand... Fuck Konami

I call it Andromeda Syndrome.

I don’t know... I never really buy games that are indieish because they never seem to be fully released later.


How do I downvote you?

Love Actually

Trump doesnt believe in art and almost less than half of the voting public agreed with his anti-intellectualism, nationalism, anti-science baby-talk.

My favorite concept art for For Honor that made it into the final build:

no. Cool internet kids decided already that it sucks.