MONEY. Sears sells his bullshit to wealthy white people in Southern California and can have an office that doesn’t rely on taking patients with insurance.
72%????? Holy shit.
I got the autisms from reading this doctor’s idiot explanation.
“I do think vaccines help with the public health and helping prevent the occasional fatality,”
How are there actual doctors- people who went through the rigors of maintaining a top-notch GPA in undergrad, survived the MCAT, survived Medical School, survived Boards, survived residency- who actually believe this malarkey about vaccines?!
I’ve known a person who had this issue. The girl told me (after we were together again). In all fairness it may be more her than me since she’s claimed I’m more than big enough and I definitely am not approaching that guys claim.
I don’t like sex offenders any more than the next person, but I think it’s pretty dangerous to make their lives so damned unlivable that the ones who want to be rehabilitated lose any motivation to stay on the right path.
This pleases me so much. Bless Katrina.
I came down to say this.
Yes and the person has gotten very vile and abusive.
“You literally look like Rob paid for you,” says Khloé.
FYI there’s a troll on Jez and the offshoot sites from Jez spamming with lots of pictures of dismembered animals. I’d advise caution towards the “show pending” button and also as a reminder if the trolls respond directly to you (as they have done to me) you can click on those 3 little dots on the right of the star on…
And a very specific bypass surgery: the roux-en-Y one.
not sure whats so ‘hmmmm’ about the rob thing. he’s been eating better and losing weight. thats how you cure type 2 diabetes if it’s caused by obesity
You have seen a foot... right?