
I wasn’t coming after her. I didn’t say that her and her sister’s experience are basically anecdotal evidence, presented with no proof or valid backing, but what’s the point. You are an idiot and you will always be one. I suppose you don’t believe in vaccinatuon also and stuff like that right? Because people told you

Still doesn’t make it real. Still doesn’t make you right.

No. Now I get it. You are an angry ignorant person. Keep yelling with no substance. That’s surely helping someone.

My tone has never been uncivil. Direct maybe, and not pandering, but not uncivil. Again, all the arguments every one presents (if they even bother) can be boiled down to “well no one can be sure”. Yes. Nothing in medicine is certain. But there are studies. They have been made. As I have said before, my arguments are

Lyme is an infectious disease. Caused by a bacteria. Cured by antibiotics. There is a syndrome, after Lyme disease and treatment, where people can have some remaining pain and fatigue. That is Post treatment lyme disease. Saying chronic implies that the bacteria is still there, alive and causing the disease. So that

Is this for me? Did you make a question? I don’t see one.

1. It does affect me. 2. This is not knee-jerk reaction. This is not even MY opinion. I am going with the medical establishment here. 3. I never said people were hypochondriacs, that is your word. 4. There has been research. For years.

Yes, in the MIDDLE AGES, where people’s opinions, feelings, beliefs, and gut instincts where given more importance than science. The advances medicine has made have always been made through science. It may be cruel to hear there is no scientific evidence of the disease that is crippling you, I understand that, that

It is very important to me, as a patient, and a person, and a daughter, and a mother, to support science and not be insulted by an ignorant internet stranger into believing whatever disease is in fashion exists.

No one is denying she is sick. But the entity that is Chronic Lyme disease is not recognized by medical science. Its not people wanting to be jerks. There is no pleasure in me telling you that a fatigue disease that is made better by colonics is probably something else. Maybe your sister has something else. Where is

That’s a differen thing from Chronic Lyme.

Still doesn’t make it true. And also, not “a lot”, not really. The only one I can think of in recent history (with the advent of western medicine) is AIDS.. Which was thought to be a poor gay colored person’s disease. Lyme is a rich white woman’s disease! As I said, I am not denying these people are sick. But its not

You cant test positive for chronic lyme.

Now go forth and spread the word.

1. The CDC does not recognize it as a disease 2. Neither do medical books or journals or whatever 3. It seems very conveniently all- and also non-encompassing, so that it can manifest itself in a number of non-testable ways 4.I am not saying people are not feeling bad, or that they aren’t ill, its just that, as of

It is not a thing.

Preach, perra, preach.

1.Rita Ora is very pretty 2.Rita Ora sings pretty well 3.I like her style..and lso when she sings she looks/sounds a lot like JLo

Orrr maybe the kids just look like their mom? I know biracial kids that take 99.9% after one of their parents.

Someone up there posted a good point, which that being a vegan/vegetarian most of the times is a MORAL choice, not only a taste choice. Then she gave an example about puppy mills and it made sense.