
I’ve said this before and got like, 0 likes (not that I do it for the likes, but it must mean no one agrees with me!). But, as an adult female, I do browse porn and it troubles me that even if you keep it “safe” within your search so as not to see anything disgusting, a very common narrative is “teen destroyed”, “teen

I'm sorry but that's MY white sleeve!!

I hate your fuckin sisters.

I mean.. if she said "I think my husband deserves to be pubished", she would get no support and her husband would probably leave her. She's definitely hurt and WANTS her husband to feel like shit, so its easier to say: "its over honey don't worry I don't want to punish you", thus lording her maturity and benevalence

So did my Mazda 3.

As I see my 5 and 3 year old daughters peacefully sleeping, I feel true dread for their teenage years. I love you girls, please never forget it.

What’s a push present?

Is babby eating ma period blood?

Oooooooh you burneeeed us.

Specially Cayden.

Such an eeeeevil and powerful bitch.

I had some berry pop tarts and now I feel like I might die. Is it the sugar? I'm trembling

All I can tell you, which I hope helps guve you faith, is that Inlive in a third world country (Honduras), and my nanny’s MIL was diagnosed with cancer of the intestine after getting jaundice, and she is a very poor person,and she had taken forever to go to the hospital, and she went to our very poor hospital, and she

When I was about 18 yrs old I had an asshole boyfriend. One of the assgole things he’d do, is make fun of the ripped sofa cushions in my house, the supermarket “art” on the walls, and how close all the houses were I lived were. The porch of my house had a brick wall next to it, and right next to it, the neighbor had

The ghost of Matt Damon will appear

This is why weddings suck. You spend a lot of money you don’t have, have endless arguments about guest lists who eventually don’t show, spend all your time taking pictures and still people will talk endless shit. Just do whatever. Nobody cares.

Don’t ask questions if you don’t want to hear the answer!!!

The answer is: say the truh when asked and if it can help, don’t comment when not asked, sugarcoat it when it can help your friend to know the truth but its too painful, lie when you dgaf/ won’t do any good.

The slut is the worse friend here, definitely.

You are 100% right.