
Wiig is lovely and I love her. I also sense she’s really stoned in this clip.

Extraordinarily obtuse, she is. She probably loves to tell people she doesn’t need feminism because she loves to make dinner for her husband and men aren’t the enemy.

YES. I'm honduran, and this is true.

Queue. That's yours.

You definitely cannot control ALL variables. One that I can control is NOT placing my child in the care of someones who is both stupid and careless. At least not with such an obvious warning. You are free to hire her, if you wish, she looks very pleasant and professional.

No. People’s children are precious to them. WHO would want to take them to a daycare with 1. Someone SO STUPID to talk shit abouy a job they haven't even started 2. Someone who puvlicly stated they do not like children. Nope.

No. I would not want my daughters to be in a day care with a woman who hates being around kids.

Its: 1. Go to med school 2. Graduate 3. Get check from Big Pharma (and do the initiation ceremony/orgy)

Sick and tired of you pushing this shit down our throats, when its OBVIOUS GMO's are to blame.

I wish I looked like that in a white dress. Damn the illuminati to hell!!

And its part of the reason she comitted suicide. And it shows they didn't learn/regret anything.

She DID say they were very young and immature.

Hmmm it almost turned into a fight, because after I told him I disapproved of his technique, I also felt the need to remind him its RUDE not to fold the paper after you wipe your butt. And he should change the roll for once in his life. And its unfair he never finishes up a roll. And he never lowers the seat. So

I just asked my husband how he wiped. He said standing up. It figures!!

You bend overrrr so your ass peeks out.

So brave. So original.

Thankyou for this.

I feel sorry fo her adult self when she reads that back and cringes. Her teenage self Ill slap on the mouth for back-talking at me!!

Bwahaha you’ll always have a vagina on your wrist, ALWAYS!!!

Did you the girl who had a tattoo around her asshole!!!! Its so disgusting to me for some reason.. butts smell bad. Always.