Cease and desist making sense, please.
Cease and desist making sense, please.
My kids always hated the damn cover-ups. People, its not like I WANT you to see my crusty (slightly) hairy nipples. Grow the fuck up.
This is were I draw the line. Enough with these people.
Ugh Jason Biggs. UGH.
I don't know (or remember) how long she had to drive. BUT, if I was desperately looking everywhere for a product, calling a bunch of stores, and a woman told me they had em, and then I drove "a distance" to finally get my beloved X, and she told me "I'm sorry, I really thought we had X but we don't, have some…
Watermelonwoman. But yeah.
If you work for a person they might appreciate it. A corporation won't.
I'll enjoy this even more when people send stories of when they themselves where the assholes. Its hard to believe everyone is a perfect tipper, menu understander, always in a good mood patron.
You can tell or not tell the joke. No one is calling for a ban on lame jokes. No one wants Mr. Cleese banned from tv. But I can complain ALL I WANT about the lameness and the sexism.
So as women we are not allowed to complain about a sexist joke even if it isn't funny? I mean, I'll laugh at a sexuist joke IF ITS FUNNY.
Its funny because "women", right? Always taking all the money
No no no. Its racist/sexist to not laugh at a white man's joke. Don't you understand? He used to have a comedy show so how dare you not laugh. You're killing everybody's buzz. Thanks A LOT.
Oh so everything he says is funny? He now has carte blanche to say whatever he wants because he used to have a funny show. Now I understand. Thankyou.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A sexist comment let us all laugh. I rather laugh at an unfunny comment than appear to be a "buzzkill". Let's LOL.
As far as crimes go. 1. You call more attention to yourself dressed as a clown 2. You have to know somebody will shoot you if you try anything creepy
BARF. please no why
If a chicken, it'd eat me too.