
This all day. It’s not even about “rejection,” it’s about being unable to handle being told no. The number of times I’ve politely declined a man with a “no thank you” only to be cursed out or called a dumb bitch is astounding. Hey, stranger, I don’t even know you well enough to reject you. I’m just passing and I don’t

He just has impulse control problems. No big deal

Yeah, let’s blame the mom for having her 3 year old out late, rather than the asshole who shot her. More guns for everybody!

why didnt she just give him a chance u guys

way to go. i quit on weekdays but on weekends i still can’t fucking help myself. you’re awesome!

For spray, Avon Skin-so-soft Expedition (

For spray, Avon Skin-so-soft Expedition (

God the Father, and Jesus are equal persons in the Godhead, along with the Holy Spirit. It’s how the Trinity works, man.

That is assuming that everybody under conservatorship has the knowledge and capacity to complain. That is the whole point, ensuring that people with mental illnesses are not being exploited. For that reason, I think reporting on it is very important.

The tiger was the perfect touch. Actually, the perfect touch would be Jeremy getting engaged to Dina Lohan.

A tiger at an engagement party: both extravagant and low rent, all at the same time.

In this context, I think Schumer being female and the aggressor being male are essential components of him treating her as a commodity. Male celebs are also subjected to invasive and unwanted attention, but this “I/we paid for you [so I can do anything I want to you even if you say ‘no’]” sounds like a john thinking

Dude, you paid for a movie ticket/cable and received a movie/tv show. End of contract.

Don’t worry, you don’t need Tinder to get yourself murdered by a man. You can meet your murderer in a bar, walking to your car, at school, on vacation... heck, you can even be married to him for years! My point is Tinder is as safe as meeting a man any other way. Don’t let fear keep you from dating.

Let’s leave Kim alone, or at least discuss the underlying issue rather than just gawking.

American Horror Story: Calabasas

It’s exhausting being outraged all the time, and constantly letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Yeah, those filthy Vietnamese with their delicious banh mi and their heavenly pho, they oughta...
