Holy fuck to literally all of that.
What is the typical cost of a hospital birth with no complications??? How long do they keep you in the hospital after birth in the US?
As a Canadian .... You guys need to really, really make sure this guy does not get elected! He is dangerous. Not only is he a racist, bigoted, sexist moron.... He is dangerous. If he is elected, and I’m doubting he will be, I think all hell will break lose. I don’t even understand why his campaign is happening - he is…
My name is KayLee :(
Me too! My name is actually KayLee and there was no other ones when I was growing up but it seems to be taking over now. Also, even though my name is spelt super simply I get : Kyla's, Kylie, katelyn etc. I'm like, how are you pronouncing letters that do not even exist in my name
I don’t get what's so weird about the name Toby ?!
Poor Megan.
Lolololol. I quit smoking too. Well I quit buying smokes. Now I just steal them from everyone around me.
Ugh. This is so stupid to me. And scary. There are so many “what ifs” in this situation. Along with the fact that most people would not be comfortable carrying around a gun with children around.
This is terrifying hahah
Me too!!!!!!!!!
Holy crap. Northern Ontario girl here. We spend easily 100 a week or more on groceries for two. If it's a steak week that could be a 60 dollar meal easily. N
I think so it's easier to provide sleeping spaces for extra people when they're travelling together but they're not actually together. When I went to europen we stayed in hotels and some of them had 3 twin beds, sometimes pushed together but you could seperate them
100% exactly. And like what amount of criminals do you suspect goes round showing off their homemade bomb to their potential victims before setting it off? I am going to guess about none.
Yeah, I live in northern Ontario and I thought we had high teen pregnancy rates but I haven't really heard of this happening more than once or twice, maybe late 30s , not early 30s though
LOLOL. I am a GG so I get what you are saying. Also my least favourite thing is when I'm wearing a certain type of bra and I lay down on the couch and I can't breath because my boobs are somehow squishing my face. That is the worst.
I don't think a man is ever disappointed by boobs even when there is not much there :$
The trick is to apply as much/as little as possible to make everyone/no one happy about it.
Ohh, I didn’t really mean I felt too old, I meant more like people are treating me as if I am getting to be too old! but I definitely did not write it like that haha