Dude this whole chromosome thing isn't even really true anymore
Dude this whole chromosome thing isn't even really true anymore
Because we are the absolute worst! And I'm serious about this. Us white folk are ridiculous.
Which is such bullshit too - like saying you must have a uterus to be female? This whole conversation is ridiculous. I can’t believe that in 2015 we are still having to have these conversations. People need to go back to kindergarten and learn the whole, “treat others how you expect to be treated” and just stfu with…
These same people need to watch the video of the civilized white Walmart shoppers who beat the shit out of each other in front of a 5 year old boy.
Doesn't Michigan have the largest coast line!!! It counts
guys!!! Don’t worry it doesn’t really work that way!!
I love all these shania jokes. I live in the town she grew up in and I will have to adopt this into my lifestyle now
And just because the service is more expensive does not mean the extra dollars are going into the pockets of the esthetician!!!
It blew my mind when this expose came out that people believed it was okay to only pay 10 bucks for a manicure. I get manicures regularly and they never take less than 40 minutes (I get shellac... But even with regular polish it’s basically the same length of time). I’m sorry but no ones time is worth 10 dollars after…
To add to everyone else’s comments, bc isn’t just used to prevent pregnancy. It’s also effective at relieving menstrual cramps and regulating hormones, for some people. For example, I have PCOS and I used to go months without my period, and then have it for weeks on end. My moms paranoid I would bleed to death without…
No. No? What. No.
Lots of different ways, we usually start in the spooning position and move on to more challenging things
I've never heard more truth
Beard oil to the rescue !!!!
My partner is an actual lumberjack (not really but basically) so it was kind of cute when everyone else started to grow beards and he stopped getting teased about it so often
Yuck. I don’t get it like, their parents probably raised them to wash the sheets etc more often than that? I think it’s just because they’re lazy. When my partner realized how nice and fluffy the sheets were after the weekly wash he “got” it and now I find him suggesting a rinse before I even bring it up. But try to…
I agree. I don’t know how I would handle myself if this had been my pet.
the absolute best!!!
the absolute best!!!
Try Freya! They are the best sports bra. I wear a HH and I love it. Also it dries quickly so after a hot yoga session and a wash, it's dry in just a few hours
Try Freya! They are the best sports bra. I wear a HH and I love it. Also it dries quickly so after a hot yoga…
A good way to try and control it is also, “if my friend came to me with this situation, what kind of sane advice would I give them?” That has helped me use my head rather than my heart/hormones a few times!!!