
She originally bullied this girl because she saw something in her that she didn’t like in herself and now Chrissy doesn’t like who she used to be. The main theme is that this is all about Chrissy and others outside of her don’t exist.

Except that Chrissy would direct message Courtney Stodden, in private, and tell them to kill themself. That is not edgelord, troll humour for the masses. That is private, ghoulish behaviour. And she directed her insults to Stodden for a period of about eighteen months. That is persistent harassment toward an

There’s something deeply unsettling about the fact that Chrissy told her to kill herself over DM. If she had done it exclusively through tweets it would have come off as a distasteful attempt at edgy, attention-seeking, dark humor—but through DM seems like she sincerely meant it, which is vile.

I find it wild that presumably* the reason Chrissy came after Courtney so hard is because Chrissy found it distasteful and offensive to her “feminist” sensibilities that Courtney rode a sexualized public persona** and juicy tabloid-ready marriage to fame...which is, ahem, EXTREMELY ironic considering Chrissy

What do you think grooming is? It’s manipulation. As a sex crimes investigator told me, abusers groom everyone: victims, parents and supporters.

huh? why wouldn’t people want to make the world easier to navigate for others? idk man, I just like letting people know they can feel safe and not constantly undermine their experiences, it’s such a small ask.

Very often not true. Something predatory people work hard at is maintaining a veil of geniality and morality. They don’t go around being a bad person in everyone’s faces all the time. That way when they do something kinda shitty, they’ve built up this big well of good faith that stands against it. Whatever they did

lol ur dense.

lol ur nuts and gross that you don’t want somebody who has a lot of power not to use it to benefit those he works with. he works in a business where women are continuously harassed, he should commit himself to educating himself around that, seriously not a big ask. he has resources, he’s a story teller, he can

lotta cool dudes in the replies here. 

This might make Teigen quit Twitter for a whole month.

I think that bullet goes more towards ending retributive hiring practices that have made it harder for folks who are vocal about abuse to get jobs than about actively seeking out survivors. I think the intent is to stop abusing folks twice over by having them live through the abuse and then see themselves not get

I’ll take it to mean make a point of hiring women who’ve been wronged especially since in many or most cases they’ll suffer career repercussions for standing up for themselves.

As a kid, I was bitten by our mini schnauzer more times than I can remember. Never once, did I not deserve it. I can’t imagine my family having euthanized her because I teased her to the point where she told me “STOP IT” the only way she knew how.

I’ve made the same comment a few times, but asking famous people about their friends who are abusers is putting them in a terrible position. I agree with what Rogen said, his opinion is the least valuable here.

I needed two drinks just to finish her quote.

Jesus, I thought quinoa whiskey in the first paragraph was a joke. She’s such a parody of herself.

No, it’s because he has the habit of being an asshole.

I really don’t mean to come across as a Musk apologist”

19 Kids and Counting now sounds like the number of this man’s victims rather than a reality show.