Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.
Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself.
A predominantly white board thinks its predominantly white prize winners has nothing to do with systemic racism. You would think supposed critically thinking people will understand the difference between perpetuating inert racism and being sworn members of the KKK.
What a load of pretentious boobs. As a writers’ workshop survivor, nothing makes me happier than seeing these self-important nit-wits clutch their collective pearls. Every single Black person on that board deserves a medal.
I’m REALLY concerned that Gelman thinks The Wing is “long overdue” for an “era of change” around racism. The Wing has existed for LESS THAN FOUR YEARS, how could they possibly be overdue for any kind of new era? I saw that and said “nope, not worth it, burn it all down” because clearly the foundation was bad to begin…
You’re not the problem. You are whole, and perfect. But the phenomenon of ‘double consciousness’ described by DuBois is real, where we simultaneously see ourselves as whole/human, and at the same time as white culture sees us (threatening, less deserving, less human). And that becomes triple consciousness for women of…
I’m such an idiot (my mom is white, so I assumed all white women were awesome like her) that until about 2 months ago (I have gray hair now- yes I’m dumb) I thought the problem was me. I thought if I just assimilated enough, kept quiet enough, smiled enough, excelled enough (but not too much because it’s threatening)…
Then when we’re dead, we’re so amazing, wholesome, maternal, feminine, doting, generous, soft, obiedient, and kind. We’re a blank canvass for whatever anyone wants!
We only matter when we’re dead. It’s that simple.
To add to that, I believe that Joe Biden did touch her in the creepy way she described and she was probably sexually harassed in the office (most likely not by Joe Biden) AND she probably stepped out of her lane in the office and was doing things incorrectly and lying about that and that is what got her fired.
I’m going with both a personality disorder and paid by Russians.
These bad faith, dismissive arguments against Reade and the metoo movement just need to save us all the trouble and state outright that they’d still vote for Biden even if he did do it. Because really, that’s what they’re saying. Sexual assault survivors will always see small parts of our story in accusations, and…
I remember showing up for a job interview and the Chief of Staff was wearing a backwards baseball hat, a t-shirt, cargo shorts and flip-flops.
Thank you so much for this analysis. I felt sick after reading the times “investigation”. The Times know their power and influence and they chose to exploit readers internal biases to justify the slandering of a woman who his giving everything she has to be heard. So disgusting to compare the media's treatment of…
I’m a former Hill staffer, and this article is making me EXPLODE over the dress code bullshit.
This is an invisible barrier that tech companies and media companies use too. It’s their way of discriminating without appearing to, passing the buck to admissions offices all over.
I am sure there are many institutions that are lily white compared to the Ivy League. But something about recruiting editors from that pool seems like gatekeeping to me; wanting to maintain the snobby “in-group.”
The BA videos have been one of the bright spots in these last few months, and anyone who’s watched more than a handful of episodes knows that Sohla and Gabby are goddamn treasures. That they weren’t getting compensated for their NUMEROUS appearances was ridiculous; that someone of Sohla’s background was making 50k in…
really leaning into the supposedly feminist, huh?
If you haven’t learned by now, saying “I don’t have a racist bone in my body” is probably the most racist response imaginable. Just stop...
whatever, she looks like Falkor - that white dog thing on A Neverending Story. I'd embed a photo if I knew how. That's all I have to add to this conversation.