
I just left a job in Higher Ed academia after being there for two years. I gotta tell you that you are so spot on. There’s something about that field that just attracts insecure, self-absorbed, idiotic little twerps. It says a lot that my new job is working in a Women’s rehab facility and the entire first week I

I dare you to find me someone more self-righteous and dead inside than a higher education administrator. At least the vampire capitalists are honest about their intentions.

this was all I could think of . . .

Thankyou for the hug! Most days I’m fine and dandy, but every now and then it’s like my brain just wants to fuck with me. Ugh. Solidarity!

He put an anti-choice judge on the Supreme Court. That’s all they cared about.

I just hope 8 months of HYPE doesn’t lead to people sitting at home in November thinking all is fixed, and they don’t need to vote because everyone else is, or that the problem children like Ryan are gone. It would be our MO as Americans and Democrats

I can’t not comment back to you - even though I want to dismiss and forget you exist.

Yeah I feel like the Kathy hate is a bit much. I feel like she went through legit hell... and I kinda think Anderson is a shitty friend.

How is it a slap in the face moreso than every legit pregnancy with a dudebro douchebag?

Can we please be more offended by the couple that managed to adopt 6 kids, malnourish them, then drive off a cliff, while many wanting parents are unable to adopt; instead of a stupid joke?

I feel like I’ve been saying something like this since #metoo really picked up steam. Like, I feel like I’ve known all of this all along - gotten creepy vibes from a million + one men, famous and otherwise, and when I talked about it, people (men mostly, but not all) either shrugged or questioned my

I always assumed they were sticks because I am old enough to remember Kotex Stick Tampons. My mom had some in the 70s. They were pushed in with the stick and the stick just detached and you pulled it out when you were done.

Man, if this site was cool at all, there would be an article tommorow describing how you just shut this dumbass article down.

I’ve spent a little bit of time in the Midwest (Ohio specifically) for work, and with few exceptions even the chains I like at home did not taste good there.

In other words she continues to be a parent to her children and love them no matter how old they are - as most parents do - and he doesn’t give a fuck about them now they’re old enough to see he is a douche and no longer worship the ground he walks on.

You’re not supposed to just whip that game out with random people at a party. Anyone who does that is your basic edgebitch as mentioned. It’s a game you play with very good friends where you all know each other’s boundaries and basic intents very well.... People who “get” you. It’s hilarious in the proper venue. Not

Long ago and far away we just stuck safety pins in our ears. I’m still alive. :)

Dwight was a dick but the episode where Pam and Jim stay at Dwight’s farm/B&B was kinda sweet. Dwight was brokenhearted but both Jim and Pam helped buoy his spirits. When Jim insisted Dwight read them Harry Potter and Dwight said no we all knew Dwight was delighted on the inside and that he’d do it. That episode

Andy Bernard as a character had a much worse downfall than Jim Halpert. The writers deliberately made him incredibly unlikable once he took the lead role, which made no sense. His A Cappella audition in the penultimate episode was a serious low point.

Season three so often gets shit on for being less funny that two (any season of any show would pale in comparison), but it also includes one of my all time favourite arcs on any show - Pam's search for identity and her growing as an individual, culminating in the great scene in "Beach Games" where Pam confronts