Could it have hurt to alphabetize this list lol
Could it have hurt to alphabetize this list lol
Lords of the Sith by Kemp is pretty damn good
The third film will undoubtedly feel like a completely unrelated film to the first two since it won’t be able to mention the Blip, Nick Fury, Tony Stark, Happy Hogan, being in space with Doctor Strange. It’s going to be awful, no doubt.
Deet has a cool look
Pretty sure the Sony studio exec hasn’t even seen Far From Home and doesn’t realize just how reliant Spider-Man’s story is on the wider MCU now. He’s just paying attention to the numbers and is completely out of the loop on why the franchise is as successful as it is now.
Really hoping we get to see Elendil and the fall of Numenor!
So many cool behind-the-scenes promotional materials. Hoping the actual story doesn’t suck. Gonna binge this weekend!
This looks so good
Let’s get the DP of the show to come defend why we can’t see anything....oh wait.
I wouldn’t trust anything that comes out of JC’s mouth, as she repeatedly abused her father physically, verbally and financially. Trash human really.
Nothing but dingbats over at Sony. Alas, we had a good run and at least Spidey had a hand in the Infinity Saga.
god this looks incredible
“Actors...they make absurd amounts of money”.
Nope, just these actors. An obscene majority of actors, like 90% of them, do not make enough from acting alone to support themselves.
WOW. Looks amazing. It looks like they’ll be dialing down the campiness and turning up the epic.
So exciting! I can’t wait for Mandalorian to hit.
Looks good. I’ll be watching! Could be Netflix’s answer to Game of Thrones.
This is so shameful. The United States is a shit country with a cheeto puff in control.
lol classic imbecilic mix-up by narrow-minded bible thumpers
Pete’s supposed to be a bit of a scientist himself. He did create his webshooters after all. It’s not a stretch that he’s learned how to develop suits himself after seeing and using Stark’s designs.
so great