MattyMattMatt says goodbye Gawker and fuck the new layout

@rocka-: Debatable in my opinion. In this case, yeah, criminal, but he's just one guy, part of a group that we don't know the size of.

@nerve11: You obviously don't know hackers. Typically this just spurns them on as increased fun means increased challenge and thus increased skill.

@RRW: I know, but I believe that you should still be able to expect decency, even from people like him.

@gigawings: Go ahead, I would agree. Might be the German in me.

@Cobaltios: I haven't seen any little children drawn in more provocative poses on Kotaku.

So instead of actual pedals, you get triggers. Instead of a base, you get that suction cup, now how well that holds who knows, but the position worries me more, doesn't allow as much freedom as they make it seem.

@Tyrunn: You should read the text.

@JesusChrist: No, the power isn't even close to a PS3s, that's just marketing mumbo jumbo leaving out the convenient scale to put it all into relation. If you wrote an equation that related power to output resolution, then maybe you could say they are on par, but do not be confused, this thing is no where near as

@Ejia: Probably negative 50 or something like that.

@PoweredByHentai: That's disgusting man. Can you please think of other people before posting this stuff?

@Kanji08: Yes, I fully expected 400, but I was hoping for 300 for the wifi version.

I was under the impression on the back was that touch panel, nothing at the front. I hope you can use the back as well, because using the front is really annoying, switching hand position all the time to do it...

This is as far removed from BiA as you can get. I'm sure it'll be fun, but not BiA.

@Hiero: Number one reason for me to buy this.

I'll give them one thing, they know how to make trailers. Every Assassin's Creed has had great trailers.

I can get a 24 inch 1200p IPS panel from Dell for that money.

If I sign up for XBL Gold again, there better not be any motherfucking ads and they better let me remove motherfucking useless shit.

Why are people celebrating the arrest of one person? I doubt it'll even dent the group.

@gigawings: Well, it was a kids movie, so I guess I meant more minus the blood?