MattyMattMatt says goodbye Gawker and fuck the new layout

@Whitson Gordon: And a pretty good store to boot, considering their price matching, before that they offer some good services, at least to us Canadians.

@Kagnon: Like I said, CM Silent Pro M/Gold line. That's the good line. The other ones are rather rubbish.

@Detale: It's not an option because I wouldn't have any space to store data. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I already replaced the hard drive three times and sadly I need my optical.

@ASDF is better than ABXY: I feel the same way. Up to this point the PS3 games weren't games I had to have, so it didn't feel like I needed the console, just play at a mate's house, but now, solitary games like these.

@Wafflemao: Better than the old Atari days when devs got no credit and it was all hail Atari.

@Osagasu: Oopsie, should've read more closely. I always remember it as not being illegal... but I guess it is if it's a bill.

Except for the backlighting on the monitors, I love it. Only downside is that there's no room for a third screen.

Linus generally has pretty good videos if you look past all that unboxing stuff (so useless).

@m1ndtr1p: "More cores != better performance"

@derilium: Being someone that spends a lot of time with hardware. you're typically better off buying a new card around the 150-200 mark, waiting two to three years and doing the same again.

OK, so this looks pretty fucking awesome, but I'm going to need gameplay before I get hyped. These videos often represent things we cannot play, not things we can.

@slaw1: Babel fish, duh.

@PrairieMoon: Oh that sucks. Tried to read the comments, but there's nothing loading.

Thank you Capcom.

@atlas304: Yes and no. No for offline, they can be generated. For online, yes, it's typically pretty secure.

@sualfons2: Europe's drinking water quality is perfectly fine, even in the east block. I've lived on both sides, so I can attest to it.

@DeG345: Do it. Best in the series in my opinion. 3 has a lot of great improvements, but the separation into different areas of town was horrible.

@Hudson: Say it ain't so!