
Kat should've posted this

I used to do this when I forgot to bring my phone to school

@gary_7vn: I may have read it before—some of this stuff rings a bell.

I used to live close to my office and I would bike home during lunch breaks to take 20 minute naps. Quality of life was pretty high those days, but correlation doesn't equal causation.

fuck cable

You forgot 'trustno1'

100 reasons why I deleted my Facebook

@Mattycakes: I believe we have a conundrum, you and I.

Dude, you're in China.

@wheresmykey: For as long as I've been aware of Reddit/Digg (about 2-3 years) Reddit has almost always had the content before Digg.

He's just there to do a little in-person trolling.

@AreWeThereYeti: For sure man, we can always use more people sitting around.

@AreWeThereYeti: Overthrow the government, execute everyone in charge, collectively divide up that steak sidekick for dinner, then sit around waiting for someone to tell us what to do.

This is a shining example of the working class trying to rise up against the bourgeoisie, trying to grab just an iota of control in their own lives, but the status quo and its cronies in the government still take whatever measures necessary to keep the power in their own hands.