
Bravo sir! Bravo!!

Hi Henry,

Is there any options similar to this for someone who has a cassette/trunk multi-disc changer?

I've heard this as well. I wish there was a credible source to prove these claims true or false.

I have had some great tea sitting on the counter without any way to heat the water... until now!

+1 Great point

That is interesting. Another person said he avoids using a microwave because of what is usually put inside it.. Junk food. Both are great points.

I've thought that most issues I've heard people bring up concern the way it affects the food you put in it. Still good to know though.

Has anyone thought about using the tweak without the case? Could be nice to pull your phone out of your pocket and the screen is already on without hitting any buttons.

This is a bit off subject, but I have had some friends who avoid using the microwave at all costs. Are there any health issues, risks, or reasons why people avoid microwaving their food?

Has this tweak worked for anyone? Seeing a few posts from people that say it doesn't even work.

That wasn't my point at all. I own a MacBook, iPad Mini, and an iPhone. It is nice to know that your conclusions are drawn from so little information. Again, another reason why I am not taking your original post seriously.

"I'm running a MBP Retina, 16GB, 2.7GHZ i7. It's nothing special, but it's better than average."

"Dozens of open tabs signifies either procrastination on a truly epic scale or a chronic inability to focus on an immediate task at hand. Either way, it's not the sign of someone working efficiently. I work as a journalist—sourcing information from multiple sources is a big part of the job—but I don't kid myself I

You are either irresponsible with your money or don't understand the point of tipping.

I jailbreak my iOS devices primarily for MyWi, activator, Terminal, and Multifl0w. Although Terminal really is horrid, but I have yet to find a better alternative.

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

I believe you are right. I come from a very creative family of mostly artists and I tend to undermine the presence of creativity when I actually take advantage of it everyday. Creativity can be an elegant solution to a problem, a method of doing something that saves time and/or effort, or even how you display data on

"We've only had these particular doors open wide for a decade or so, and most people have been brainwashed into believing that their JOB is to copyedit the world, not to design it."

What is this even supposed to mean?