"Do iPads have an innovative operating system? No"
"Do iPads have an innovative operating system? No"
In a way, yes. However, the Kindle Fire is not a part of this discussion.
Can it use all USB devices that have Windows drivers available (downloaded from the manufacturer's website) or only drivers that come with the OS install? If the first, then that is very handy. I'm not sure if it really offers huge value though since there are so many ways to use most devices now without having to…
Surface is $499 and the iPad Mini is $349. If both are tablets, what is it that gives the surface that $150 added value? I'm not saying the iPad Mini is cheap, but if you are going to open the doors for comparison then by all means, let's hear your unbiased comparison.
You seem to have passed over most of my comment so I will repost it:
I agree with you 100% Sam. Surface was never seen WITHOUT the keyboard (my experience). It was marketed as more than a tablet. Period. End of discussion. That isn't to say that it can't be a good tablet. It is, however, a bad middle ground between a tablet and laptop.
You are either specialized in some other field (other than IT), a help desk clerk, or terrible at your job. I'm curious as to which it is.
Don't worry. We realized you were whinny 4 articles ago..
A true badass.
I don't believe so.. In that example, Mega would have had no idea that those files were stored on their servers. There is no way that they could know.
I've "given up" a couple World of Warcraft accounts for a 32 inch LCD TV (was $750 at the time which was 2005ish) and an XBox 360.
Why is this on Gizmodo?
Offering a 95% discount on your product is not marketing.
I feel like these bundles are just another way to beg people to buy the apps.
I'm sorry if I came off that way. That wasn't my intention at all. I just know that Lian Li makes some of the best computer cases. Someone ignorant to that who reads this Hive Five will be mislead in believing otherwise.
Actually, I could care less if my favorite made the top five or not. In fact, the honorable mention makes it sound like Lian Li did in fact make the top five, there just weren't enough votes for any one model. You see, Lian Li actually makes more than one good case. The votes are proof of that. So these other brands…
"Honorable mentions this week go out to Lian Li's cases, which were extremely popular, but no specific model or SKU was popular enough to make the top five."
I was going to educate you, but it appears someone else already has. Good day, sir
You don't know what you are talking about. So please refrain from making yourself sound even more ignorant.
A case top 5 without a single Lian Li case? This article is officially deemed pointless.