
"... this just means people in general might be more optimistic about what people can do versus what they have done."

"... asked participants to play the role of people in deciding roles."

Do you use your iPhone to stream Pandora while driving long distances? I'm not sure how much data is really uses, but I would imagine it to be a significant amount during any drive longer than an hour.


Why aren't facilities, where research like this is done, sealed and outfitted with robotics to perform manual processes? You would perhaps have a one way entry system into the facility so that samples can be "loaded". I don't know. Maybe it is easier said than done?

I'll watch it and let you know!

It is indeed the Director's Cut that I've been watching all this time.

I just want to share this story as I am still amazed, and would never believe it was true if it did not happen to me.

But we're in a recession!!!!

While you're view of the movie is wrong, it is very interesting to see how this might happen in real life. Thank you for this.

Thank you, Todd. You will be missed (by someone, I'm sure).

Who decided that?

Or a slave, depending on how you look at it.

Here are a couple things that really tick me off. First, going somewhere (like a fast food joint) where there is a "Please finish phone calls before ordering" sign and the employee is on their cell phone -_-


I believe the above image is shot from inside the room, so you can actually perform this hack from outside.

Add me :D

Can we be friends too? That would be very ironic.

I will admit. I was wrong.